Ask anyone what they’re doing for wildlife habitat and you’re sure to hear mention of the challenges of invasive species. From aquatic invasive species that restructure entire food webs of Great Lakes to carpets of exotic grasses changing fire regimes in the west, invasive species are everywhere. In this episode, Jarred and Adam first dig in on the science of invasive species and discuss the challenges they present for wildlife and wildlife habitat.
Published 08/10/21
When you’re managing habitat for wildlife do you think more about plants than wildlife? Yeah, us too. So who better to chat with than one of the nation’s leading researchers and educators on plant-wildlife interactions? In this episode, Jarred and Adam chat with author and University of Tennessee Extension Wildlife Specialist Dr. Craig Harper. Tune in for a masterclass on the importance of plants and plant id for all habitat managers.
Published 07/13/21
What do baseball and wildlife habitat management have in common? Take a listen to this week’s episode as Adam and Jarred discuss what Adam calls “the Moneyball problem” of habitat management. They chat about how lessons learned from the best-selling book (and movie) - Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game – can be applied to habitat management.
Published 06/15/21
Aldo Leopold’s defined his 5 tools of game management when he wrote Game Management over 80 years ago. But what tools did he miss, or what tools have been developed in the 88 years since the book was published? Join Adam and Jarred as they share their thoughts on the habitat management tools that should be added to the list. What tools would you add to Aldo’s list? Also, listen as Jarred tries to convince Adam that his toolbox analogy isn’t complete nonsense.
Published 05/18/21
Our tour of Aldo’s Tools comes to a close in this episode as we consider the last tool: the gun. From controlling certain game populations to engaging hunters in habitat conservation efforts in their own backyard or across the continent, Patt Dorsey, Director of Conservation Operations in the west for the National Wild Turkey Federation, breaks down how the gun does a lot of good for habitat in this wide ranging discussion with Adam.
Published 04/20/21
Through large expanses of U.S., wildlife live alongside, or are strongly influenced by, the footprint of crop production practices; what Leopold was referencing when he spoke of ‘the plow.’ In this episode, Adam talks to Ryan Heiniger from Pheasants Forever about the challenges and opportunities for wildlife habitat conservation with ‘the plow’ and how a more precision imagining of its utility and place can be good for the farmer AND wildlife.
Published 03/23/21
How can the axe – or forestry – be used as a habitat management tool? Jarred talks with Jordan Nanney, a Wildlife Forester with the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, about how he uses forestry to creatively manage wildlife habitat. As you’ll learn in the episode it can really be a balancing axe {act}. Help us improve the podcast by taking this Habitat University Listener Feedback Survey : https://purdue.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5oteinFuEzFCDmm
Published 03/11/21
Many wildlife managers are interested in understanding and using grazing animals to create the unique places where animals, or in the case of the blowout penstemon, unique plants, thrive. In this wide-ranging discussion, Adam talks to The Nature Conservancy’s Marissa Ahlering about how grazing impacts wildlife and we can creatively use grazing to manage wildlife habitat.
Published 02/23/21
How can prescribed fire be used creatively to create and enhance habitat for wildlife? Dr. Marcus Lashley, Assistant Professor and Extension Wildlife Specialist at University of Florida and host of Fire University, joins the podcast to tackle this question, and we take a deep dive into prescribed fire as a habitat management tool.
Published 01/26/21
For as long as people have been interacting with wild animals, they have been manipulating the places where wild animals live. So, is habitat management the oldest job in the world? Join Adam and Jarred as they chat about the history of wildlife habitat management, dig deep into the central premise of habitat management – plant succession – and introduce the five tools for habitat management that Aldo Leopold described in his 1933 book, Game Management.
Published 12/29/20
What do you picture when you hear “habitat”? Habitat is one of the most important concepts in wildlife management, but what does it actually mean? Join Adam and Jarred as they define “habitat” and discuss why its use is a “panchreston problem.”
Published 12/08/20
Join us on Habitat University as we talk with wildlife professionals and others about the science behind wildlife habitat management. 
Published 12/01/20