A Jew from today, but from yesterday... | In Conversation with Lea Kalisch
Video version of this interview here: https://youtu.be/5-RsTIrIbmo
Lea Kalisch has a dream to sing at the Superbowl, in Yiddish, with a shtreimel. She is a singer of many genres, but some of her Yiddish songs reflect a longing for a simple, religious world. "I am a shtetel Neshama (soul), a Jew from yesterday. I should have been a fruma, my hashtag is 'oyvey'." We hear so many stories of people from the religious community longing for the secular world, what does it mean to grow up secular and express a longing for the religious world? For Lea, the answer is very complicated. She at once embodies a side that is a "rebbetzin" and a side that is wearing barely anything to perform. Her perspective is fresh, energetic, passionate, and unique. Please join us for a conversation about the story of Lea Kalisch. 👉 Lea's website is: https://www.leakalisch.com/ 👉 Find Lea on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leakalisch/ 👉 Find Lea on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/LeaKalisch