"Batman Returns” is the iconic 1992 superhero film where Horror Queers can go for Christmas content. In both aesthetic and legacy, the sexy silhouettes, childhood nightmare foder, and commercial success could only be the product of Tim Burton’s fantastic stylings. In this sequel, as Batman...
Published 12/12/22
In some of the most unpredictable ways, “The Bodyguard” is the ultimate queer narrative! The romantic drama follows a former Secret Service agent tasked with protecting a high-profile actress and singer, iconically starring Kevin Costner and Whitney Houston. On this episode, journalist &...
Published 11/28/22
The first in Drew Barrymore’s iconic pairings with Adam Sandler, “The Wedding Singer” is the perfect gentle yet sassy rom-com that could only be a product of the 90s. When Robbie, a wedding singer, meets Julia their friendship slowly reveals that they have both fallen for the wrong people....
Published 11/14/22