“As someone who got an undergraduate and graduate degree from an Evangelical university, I am beyond disappointed in this podcast. I’ve never heard such cherry picking from the Bible and cognitive dissonance from a podcast ever. Would encourage the founder to take a hard look at her heart before...”Read full review »
review157928 via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·
“KNY is living as a city on a hill in the hardest days our generation has known. Her goal is to accept the great commission, to be salt (preserve purity), and tell the truth. Nothing is worth following if it doesn’t compel you to growth. The scripture and content she shared certainly does that and...”Read full review »
Courtiebeth via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·
“Per the usual, Kristin comes out swinging with her homophobia and transphobia. She claims it's "religion" but let's call it what it is. HATE.”Read full review »
CoffeeQueenMomofThree via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·
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