Published 02/11/16
Aired Wednesday, 10 February 2016, 6:00 PM ET Since we’re coming up on Valentine’s Day, I thought that we should have a chat about Soul Mates & Twin Flames – who they are and what they bring to the relationship. This is an excerpt of my online class about relationships and now to identify which ones you’ve had, what you’re in now and where you want to be. Most importantly, we will help you identify those toxic relationships that you need to get rid of! About the Host Teri Van Horn Teri...
Published 02/11/16
Published 02/04/16
Aired Wednesday, 3 February 2016, 6:00 PM ET In addition to our Angels – each of us has the opportunity to work with Ascended Masters – those Divine Beings who once were great teachers here on Earth. After each of them achieved the level of Christ Consciousness here on Earth, they had the opportunity to stay in the heavenly dimension so that they could work alongside the Angels, helping us humans fulfill our path. We have 100’s and probably 1,000’s of Ascended Masters available to us, so we...
Published 02/04/16
Published 01/28/16
Aired Wednesday, 27 January 2016, 6:00 PM ET Psychic protection is a major topic these days, due to all the negativity that we have to deal with. 2012 brought in some tremendous energy, bringing us closer to enlightenment and Ascension… but the down side is that it also brought more negativity to light. More of us need to learn how to harness the power of the Light to bring protection – particularly if we feel that there is a threat of negativity coming our direction. Light will always...
Published 01/28/16
Aired Wednesday, 20 January 2016, 6:00 PM ET Most people have never heard of Angelic Magic, but it has existed since the dawn of time. Ever since man became aware of Angels, he has wanted to harness their power to assist him in daily life. Everyone wants to incorporate God, the Angels, and Spirituality into their lives and this is one way to have a ritualized practice, where you spend time calling-in and working with your Angels to create the things that you desire for your life. About the...
Published 01/21/16
Published 01/15/16
Aired Wednesday, 13 January 2016, 6:00 PM ET Written knowledge of the chakra system goes back as far as 2,000 BC and can be found in the ancient text, the Vedas, as well as the Yoga Sutras. The word chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel” or “vortex”. Now is the time for us to become aware of these advanced systems and reaping the rewards of working with their beautiful, loving and peaceful energies, all while enhancing our physical, emotional and spiritual lives. About the Host Teri Van...
Published 01/15/16
Published 01/08/16
Aired Wednesday, 6 January 2016, 6:00 PM ET Based on the book of the same name, explaining how & why crystals work for us, as they do. A little bit of science & a little bit metaphysics! About the Host Teri Van Horn Teri Van Horn has become a powerful intuitive healer and excels in working with Distant, Shamanic, and Crystal Healing, as well as Psychic Protection and Clearing. Teri’s healing specialties include transformational clearing and healing; opening, clearing and working...
Published 01/08/16
Aired Wednesday, 30 December 2015, 6:00 PM ET Since we’re right upon New Years, I thought I’ve give you some insight into the coming year, based on information from my Guidance Team. About the Host Teri Van Horn Teri Van Horn has become a powerful intuitive healer and excels in working with Distant, Shamanic, and Crystal Healing, as well as Psychic Protection and Clearing. Teri’s healing specialties include transformational clearing and healing; opening, clearing and working with the...
Published 01/02/16
Aired Wednesday, 23 December 2015, 6:00 PM ET The Divine Feminine is alive and well… making her presence very strong with all of us at this time. We’ll talk about what this entails, as well as how we can use it to improve our lives. About the Host Teri Van Horn Teri Van Horn has become a powerful intuitive healer and excels in working with Distant, Shamanic, and Crystal Healing, as well as Psychic Protection and Clearing. Teri’s healing specialties include transformational clearing and...
Published 12/24/15
Aired Wednesday, 9 December 2015, 6:00 PM ET We hear about people praying – yet not receiving results. Is there a trick to saying the right prayer? Let’s talk about this! About the Host Teri Van Horn Teri Van Horn has become a powerful intuitive healer and excels in working with Distant, Shamanic, and Crystal Healing, as well as Psychic Protection and Clearing. Teri’s healing specialties include transformational clearing and healing; opening, clearing and working with the Chakras and aura;...
Published 12/10/15
Published 12/03/15
Aired Wednesday, 2 December 2015, 6:00 PM ET There are literally 100’s if not 1,000’s of Archangels here helping all of us, yet we only know about a few. Today we’ll learn about more of them and how they help us. About the Host Teri Van Horn Teri Van Horn has become a powerful intuitive healer and excels in working with Distant, Shamanic, and Crystal Healing, as well as Psychic Protection and Clearing. Teri’s healing specialties include transformational clearing and healing; opening,...
Published 12/03/15
Aired Wednesday, 25 November 2015, 6:00 PM ET This is a time of the year that we usually give gratitude for all that we’ve been given – but in fact, we need to be doing this all the time. What are the benefits of gratitude and how do we stay in that state in tough times? About the Host Teri Van Horn Teri Van Horn has become a powerful intuitive healer and excels in working with Distant, Shamanic, and Crystal Healing, as well as Psychic Protection and Clearing. Teri’s healing specialties...
Published 11/26/15
Aired Wednesday, 18 November 2015, 6:00 PM ET Toxic relationships can bring even the strongest of us down. Learn how to recognize a toxic relationship and what to do about it! About the Host Teri Van Horn Teri Van Horn has become a powerful intuitive healer and excels in working with Distant, Shamanic, and Crystal Healing, as well as Psychic Protection and Clearing. Teri’s healing specialties include transformational clearing and healing; opening, clearing and working with the Chakras and...
Published 11/19/15
Published 11/13/15
Aired Wednesday, 11 November 2015, 6:00 PM ET Energy Portals are very special moments in time when the veil is thin and we are able to connect more directly with those on the other side. This is a great time to experience Oneness! About the Host Teri Van Horn Teri Van Horn has become a powerful intuitive healer and excels in working with Distant, Shamanic, and Crystal Healing, as well as Psychic Protection and Clearing. Teri’s healing specialties include transformational clearing and...
Published 11/13/15
Aired Wednesday, 4 November 2015, 6:00 PM ET Who doesn’t want to work with Angels? Today we’ll discuss how to connect with your Angels and ways to begin receiving messages from them. About the Host Teri Van Horn Teri Van Horn has become a powerful intuitive healer and excels in working with Distant, Shamanic, and Crystal Healing, as well as Psychic Protection and Clearing. Teri’s healing specialties include transformational clearing and healing; opening, clearing and working with the...
Published 11/05/15
Aired Wednesday, 28 October 2015, 6:00 PM ET When it feels like the world is falling down around us, that’s when we most need to focus on the positive and the Light. We’ll talk about how to keep the Light shining even during difficult times. About the Host Teri Van Horn Teri Van Horn has become a powerful intuitive healer and excels in working with Distant, Shamanic, and Crystal Healing, as well as Psychic Protection and Clearing. Teri’s healing specialties include transformational...
Published 10/29/15
Aired Wednesday, 21 October 2015, 6:00 PM ET This is a consortium of Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides and others who are bringing us some very important messages about the healing of Earth, the Sun, and Humanity. We’ll talk about and learn more about their messages to the world. About the Host Teri Van Horn Teri Van Horn has become a powerful intuitive healer and excels in working with Distant, Shamanic, and Crystal Healing, as well as Psychic Protection and Clearing. Teri’s healing...
Published 10/22/15