"The Faculty," directed by Robert Rodriguez and featuring a stellar ensemble cast, including Elijah Wood, Josh Hartnett, and Salma Hayek, takes us on a rollercoaster ride of suspense, alien parasites, and high school drama. As students and faculty members succumb to the insidious extraterrestrial threat, a group of misfit teenagers must band together to save the world.
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Nicki announced that she be releasing the final installment to Pink Friday 2, a deluxe of sorts, titled The Hiatus? This announcement came soon after the Grammy nominations were released. I love a Queen that know how to control the conversation. Lets talk about it.
Published 11/09/24
What's poppington? Lots to catch up on. My experience at my 2nd Nicki show this year and everything else we've missed these past couple of months. A lot has been going on so I'll sum things up the best I can.
Published 09/28/24