97. My Acting INTERVIEW with Meghan Markle THE Duchesse, Her Cherry Orchard Lifestyle
@ArtOfExperiencing How am I so lucky to get such an opportunity to imaginarily interview #meghanmarkle THE Duchesse on her new lifestyle on #instagram The Cherry Orchard lifestyle, I mean the American Riviera Orchard... in my case the first is to be believed as it is a play it is fictional as is the interview. From my acting perspective. It is unbelievable because such interview never took place in reality it only happened in my imagination and fabrication, as an acting exercise; I talk to myself and imagine I am talking to people! My channel is about #acting and #interpreting variations of scenarios with interesting people 'as if' they were #characters in fictional circumstances, I create... As an #actingteacher as an #actingcoach I keep on acting whenever I get a chance so why not do it here. I hope you will get to watch and most importantly you will comment and let me know if you enjoy it or not. It would be tremendous help to help me navigate better and try to grow my little chaneel. Thank you so much. #artofexperiencing #youtube #sva #theactorsstudio #membership #lifestyle #netflix #instagram #harryandmeghan #princesscatherine #princewilliam #princeharry #katemiddleton #theroyalfamily #montecito #california #america #characters #fiction #stanislavski #thecherryorchard #antonchekhov #acting