In this episode of the Hoof and Horn podcast, Braxis, Samuel and T discuss operative magic as it applies to reproductive healthcare. Many know they want to do something magically when they see injustice in the world but may not exactly know what to do. Samuel describes a spell he wrote that can be customized to one’s local legislature, and T shares ideas for both honey jars and cord cuttings, considering how popular those seem to be. We also discuss what it means to be a magical pillar of community support, a core tenant of the Temple of the Hallowed Gods, and what the ordination process is in the Temple, of which the three are a part. Additional information about our trainings can be found at
Music in this episode by Black Market Vinyl. The tracks Monkey Paw, which is about a magical object, and Click Clack, are both off their second album Hymns for the Damned, available on Spotify and at
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