Ghostwriting is pretty much what we do as copywriters. We write the words that others get to claim as their own.  But have you ever been asked to write something more substantial than a blog, web copy or brochure? Have you ever been asked to write to someone else’s BOOK? That’s the kind of ghostwriting we’re talking about today. What you need to know to add it to your portfolio of services. Tune in to learn: How Cindy went from a Ph.D. in English to a ghostwriter Her favourite type of...
Published 10/24/19
How to write someone else’s story. Ghostwriting is pretty much what we do as copywriters. We write the words that others get to claim as their own.  But have you ever been asked to write something more substantial than a blog, web copy or brochure? Have you ever been asked to write to someone else’s […]
Published 10/23/19
Steve Follard is the host of the ‘Being Freelance’ Podcast and the ‘Doing it for the Kids’ Podcast. He’s also a video and audio freelancer. He’s talked to countless freelancers about the challenges of our strange rollercoaster life and he wanted to share the biggest lessons with the Hot Copy listeners. Just a note this episode was recorded as a Masterclass for my Clever Copywriting Community, so if you hear anything strange that’s why. Tune in to learn: Why you shouldn’t freak out Why...
Published 10/03/19
What years of freelancing and oodles of podcast interviews have taught Steve about freelance life   Steve Follard is the host of the ‘Being Freelance’ Podcast and the ‘Doing it for the Kids’ Podcast. He’s also a video and audio freelancer. He’s talked to countless freelancers about the challenges of our strange rollercoaster life and […]
Published 10/02/19
Have you missed us? If you’re a regular listener to the Hot Copy podcast, you may have noticed that we’ve been AWOL for a few weeks. In this episode, we explain what we’ve been up to, how it derailed our podding schedule and the lessons we’ve taken from the work we’ve been doing. We’re also announcing a VERY exciting new project in 2020. If you’re a copywriter and you’d love to work with us more closely, tune in. Tune in to learn: What Kate and Belinda have been up to What they’ve...
Published 09/12/19
Updates, lessons and exciting plans for 2020   Have you missed us? If you’re a regular listener to the Hot Copy podcast, you may have noticed that we’ve been AWOL for a few weeks. In this episode, we explain what we’ve been up to, how it derailed our podding schedule and the lessons we’ve taken […]
Published 09/11/19
Lead magnets have been part of our marketing vernacular for years now. You offer a thing of value and people give you their email address (and permission to email them). But is there any money to be made from writing these? Absolutely!  To share HOW copywriters to land some high paying ebook projects, we’re talking to Steve Slaunwhite. Tune in to learn: What we mean when we talk about an ebook What an exceptional ebook should include How to pick the best topic for an ebook...
Published 07/18/19
Writing the book and bank big cheques Lead magnets have been part of our marketing vernacular for years now. You offer a thing of value and people give you their email address (and permission to email them). But is there any money to be made from writing these? Absolutely!  To share HOW copywriters to land […]
Published 07/17/19
How do you get copywriting clients? It’s a question we get asked all the time. We even did an episode on it covering some of the most common lead gen tactics. But there are some platforms and techniques that might surprise you. Like Instagram. It’s a HUGE platform but many people dismiss it because it’s (gasp) images. And we deal with words In this episode, Belinda talks to a copywriter who is nailing Instie and picks her brain on how we can too! Tune in to learn: How Ami...
Published 06/20/19
The surprising platform that delivers copywriting leads How do you get copywriting clients? It’s a question we get asked all the time. We even did an episode on it covering some of the most common lead gen tactics. But there are some platforms and techniques that might surprise you. Like Instagram. It’s a HUGE platform […]
Published 06/19/19
When we start out as copywriters, obviously the aim is to be successful. But what does that even mean? In this episode, Belinda and Kate are honest about the upsides and downsides of being successful. Is it all it’s cracked up to be? Is the grass really greener or are there just different prickles? Oh, and this is our 100th episode! Tune in to learn: How Kate and Belinda define success How their definitely of success has changed The upsides of success The downsides of success What would...
Published 06/06/19
Is the grass really greener up the hill of success? When we start out as copywriters, obviously the aim is to be successful. But what does that even mean? In this episode, Belinda and Kate are honest about the upsides and downsides of being successful. Is it all it’s cracked up to be? Is the […]
Published 06/05/19
As copywriters and business owners, we seek the warmth and security of financial consistency. Many of us believe if you can wriggle in with agency clients, we’ll have just that. But what are agencies all about? Are they something you should consider working harder to build relationships with? Are there any downfalls for working with agencies? And how do you even your little toe in the door? Kate Merryweather joins us today and will be answering each of these elusive questions. Tune in to...
Published 05/02/19
Approaching, winning and keeping agency clients As copywriters and business owners, we seek the warmth and security of financial consistency. Many of us believe if you can wriggle in with agency clients, we’ll have just that. But what are agencies all about? Are they something you should consider working harder to build relationships with? Are […]
Published 05/01/19
Are you struggling to run your copywriting business around your family? Do you worry about too much screen time… or (gasp) future therapy bills because you’re meeting deadlines rather than taking your kids to the park? It’s easy to trowel guilt on ourselves when we see copywriters running 6 or 7 figure businesses. Or landing 5 figure projects. What are we doing with our lives? Are we ruining our children trying to grow our copywriting businesses? Are we just THE WORST? We’re going...
Published 04/18/19
Can you have a thriving business without sacrificing your family life? Are you struggling to run your copywriting business around your family? Do you worry about too much screen time… or (gasp) future therapy bills because you’re meeting deadlines rather than taking your kids to the park? It’s easy to trowel guilt on ourselves when […]
Published 04/17/19
We went to a copywriting conference in New York City in March 2019. It was Brooklyn but let’s not facts spoil the glamour. It was TCC IRL (The Copywriter Club In Real Life) and while we had a BLAST hanging out together – you would be surprised how many years it’s been since we hung out in real life – we also took the chance to pick the brains of the speakers. We asked as many speakers as we could grab in the breaks, “What is ONE THING you wish you’d know when you started your copywriting...
Published 04/04/19
What do you wish you’d know when you started your copywriting career? We went to a copywriting conference in New York City in March 2019. It was Brooklyn but let’s not let facts spoil the glamour. It was TCC IRL (The Copywriter Club In Real Life) and while we had a BLAST hanging out together […]
Published 04/03/19
To swear (in copy) or not to swear (in copy) that is the question. As copywriters, we’re always having to change the way we write to adapt to the times. And these days everyone seems to love to eff and blind like a mofo, right? What once packed a punch, is now old school.  And some things that seem edgy are not as great as they’re cracked up to be - or make you sound like a try-hard teen. Today, we look at the pros and cons of writing sweary copy. Is it a good tactic to add to your belt or...
Published 03/21/19
Is swearing in copywriting something you should try? To swear (in copy) or not to swear (in copy) that is the question. As copywriters, we’re always having to change the way we write to adapt to the times. And these days everyone seems to love to eff and blind like a mofo, right? What once […]
Published 03/20/19
Rob Marsh has been a little name and then a big name. He mastered the copywriting world, working with some of the biggest names and wearing many hats, founding communities, conferences, courses and more. He co hosts the second best copywriting podcast too! The golden question is of course “How did he do it? And how does he fit it all in?” Today, we’ll delve into the Whens, Whats, Whys and Hows. Rob will give us a sneak peek into how his career unfolded and how you can leverage his...
Published 03/07/19
Leveraging the experience of others to boost your own career Rob Marsh has been a little name and then a big name. He mastered the copywriting world, working with some of the biggest names and wearing many hats, founding communities, conferences, courses and more. He co-hosts the second best copywriting podcast too! The golden question […]
Published 03/06/19
Are you ready for a journey into the past? We're going back in time for a special flashback. In this episode, we're sharing 16 types of copywriting clients almost every copywriter will get to work with. Some are awesome and some… are not. Plus our tips on spotting them and how to work with them (so your copywriting project is smooth sailing). Tune to learn: Our favourites types of clients How to deal with scope creep and requests for free work How to guide clients who can’t tell you what...
Published 02/21/19
Are you ready for a journey into the past? We’re going back in time for a special flashback. In this episode, we’re sharing 16 types of copywriting clients almost every copywriter will get to work with. Some are awesome and some… are not. Plus our tips on spotting them and how to work with them […]
Published 02/20/19
Cold calls. Telemarketing. Infomercials. These words send a chilling shiver down my spine. In a world where folk are over the abundance of “buy my thing” being shouted at them, how do you avoid being lumped in with the salesy slime? How can we tailor our copy to make our users feel comfortable? Today, Cath Fowler joins me to uncover how you can use psychology based copy to persuade and sell. We’ll delve into using clever copywriting to break down trust barriers and create a message your...
Published 02/07/19