I am giving a talk to PHP Minds tonight. The talk is called Code with confidence using PHPCS
I’ve been working on the videoThumbnail component for the React website
No updates on deployment yet
PHPCS compatibility checker By Daniel Opitz
PHP Security Audit
PHP 8.1.9 is released
This isa bug fix release
PHP 8.2.0 Beta 2 is available for testing
Deprecated dynamic properties in PHP 8.2
AllowDynamicProperties attribute can be used to create dynamic properties
5 things every contract Web Developer needs
Choose to go sole trader or LTD. Most larger companies need you to be a Limited company, get insurance, get an accountant, get a website.
Record your expenses and income. Set time aside to do this every week if possible.
Create a space in your house that is solely for work.
Get a work only laptop and refresh it every 2 - 4 years.
Secondary hardware. Get a decent printer, mouse, keyboard, web cam etc..
If you want to hear more about contracting in Web Development then let me know at