Suzi Woolfson is joined by Anjali Pindoria, Project Surveyor at Avi Contracts and Michael Otadende, a Marketing Executive at PwC to discuss how to approach conversations on ethnicity. They cover topics such as how you as an individual can feel confident in sharing knowledge about your culture and background to others, the impact of the possible introduction of BAME and ethnicity reporting and why a diverse workforce is good for business.
Published 09/17/19
>Suzi Woolfson is joined by Fran Boorman, CEO & Co-Founder of Goal17 and David Adair, Head of Community Engagement at PwC to discuss social mobility. The issues relating to this are complex, and the solutions are many and varied. But hear why they believe businesses have a major role to play in advancing social mobility and in being part of the solution. As major employers and as influencers in the society we serve, how can business empower and effect positive change?
Published 08/16/19
Suzi Woolfson is joined by Ali Camps, volunteer Co-chair of Pride in London and Deputy Chairman of Customer Consultancy Quadrangle and Dipesh Davadra from our Corporate Affairs, Growth team at PwC to discuss their stories and why they believe it's important to have PRIDE when it comes to LGBT+. They discuss whether the LGBT+ community are still facing challenges in the workplace and what further changes they feel are needed within business to create an inclusive environment.
Published 07/04/19
Suzi Woolfson is joined by Annie Ross, Founder of Exerk and Team52 and Emily Khan, Beyond Brexit Lead at PwC to discuss what you can to help your work/life balance, a key part of your wellbeing. Emily discusses what led her to devise the #MyPromise social media campaign and Annie shares her views on why sustaining a more active lifestyle can create a better work environment. All three share their top tips on attaining a work/life balance that works for you.
Published 06/06/19
Suzi Woolfson is joined by Annie Ross, Founder of Exerk and Team52 and Emily Khan, Beyond Brexit Lead at PwC to discuss what you can to help your work/life balance, a key part of your wellbeing. Emily discusses what led her to devise the #MyPromise social media campaign and Annie shares her views on why sustaining a more active lifestyle can create a better work environment. All three share their top tips on attaining a work/life balance that works for you.
Published 06/05/19
Suzi Woolfson is joined by Allyson Stewart-Allen, Founder and CEO of International Marketing Partners and Anne Hurst, Senior Diversity and Inclusion Specialist at PwC to discuss topics which have been consistent talking points at our PwC LEAP events. Why should diversity become business as usual? What is the difference between mentoring vs. sponsorship? How can you find a mentor? What are organisations doing to support balance for better? What actions can you take to feel empowered so that...
Published 05/10/19
Suzi Woolfson is joined by Gian Power, founder of TLC Lions and Heather Melville OBE, Director and Head of Client Experience at PwC to discuss how you can be inspired by stories to help you take action and help create a better tomorrow. Both of our guests share their personal stories, why they've taken action in their careers and provide some useful tips about being open in the workplace and how that can inspire others to create change.
Published 04/18/19
Suzi Woolfson is joined by Sarah Churchman our UK Head of Inclusion, Community and Wellbeing, and Janet Lindsay, CEO at Wellbeing of Women to discuss why people often find it difficult to broach the subject of women’s health, which can often be seen as a taboo subject in the workplace. In this episode we explore how men and women can be more open about women’s health in the workplace.
Published 03/05/19
Suzi Woolfson is joined by Rob McCargow, our director of AI and Faye McGuiness, Head of Workplace Wellbeing Programmes (Strategy & Development) at Mind to discuss wellbeing and mental health in the workplace, looking at why people appear to wear a ‘mask’ which can allow them to carry on as usual and ways that you can start a conversation on this important topic so that you and people within your organisation feel empowered to take off the mask.
Published 02/05/19
How to empower… our PwC LEAP network podcast looks at the themes of Leadership, Empowerment, Action and Progression. We will be joined by special guests to give you practical advice on how you can empower yourself and others to take action and drive change for a more inclusive workplace.
Published 01/22/19