Adam Coleman on DDO Culture, Covid-19, “Dual Working” becoming the new normal and his recent Sunday Business Post Article
We recap Adam’s recent article in the Sunday Business Post. Adam talks about the origins of the infamous HRLocker hashtag # workisnolongeraplace, perfecting culture over the last 10 years, whether or not people are going to rush back to the office post Covid-19, Dual Working, adult development and why the best performer does NOT translate well into management without a great deal of coaching.
CIPD's Annual report on Ireland’s HR Practices offers an in-depth look at the issues and trends shaping the world of work across the country. The 2024 survey captures the experiences and challenges faced by HR professionals in a diverse range of industries, focusing on key areas such as workforce...
Published 08/28/24
Welcome to this episode of the HRLocker Podcast, specially tailored for HR managers and business owners keen on advancing their workplace environments. Today, we will discuss essential strategies for nurturing psychological safety and enhancing communication in your organisation. Our focus will...
Published 06/04/24