This episode continues our conversation with Olympic gold medalist Scott Hamilton, who overcame childhood health challenges to achieving success in figure skating displays the value of resilience and perseverance. Scott shares his unique story as an adopted child, along with a humorous...
Published 11/19/24
This episode features a conversation with Olympic gold medalist Scott Hamilton, who overcame childhood health challenges to achieving success in figure skating displays the value of resilience and perseverance. Scott shares his unique story as an adopted child, along with a humorous recollection...
Published 11/12/24
Shakira Porter, who likes to be referred to as Kira and California HealingStrong Group Leader, faced an unexpected pancreatic cancer diagnosis at the age of 47, despite feeling like she led a seemingly healthy life. Kira continues her story of an urgent surgery and a challenging recovery. She...
Published 10/29/24