Bobbie puts a case together for why you should watch 24 Hours in Police Custody instead of wrestling, reveals the amount of time Iain spends checking himself out in the mirror and gives tips on preventing nip slips.
Published 05/07/19
While two wrestlers beat themselves bloody the conversation steers between which body parts are acceptable for a man to shave, what wrestling could learn from Strictly Come Dancing and how wrestling is influencing Iain and Bobbie’s wedding plans.
Published 04/30/19
This match involves the one wrestler Bobbie likes. She and Iain discuss their celebrity pass list and she challenges him to name a single pale wrestler. Make sure you listen until the end to hear a story of betrayal, Bobbie and the Big Apple.
Published 04/23/19
Bobbie’s wrestling education comes into the present with a match from this year’s Wrestlemania. We learn what Bobbie has in common with Brock Lesnar, why wrestlers always have wet hair and which celebrity Iain resembles when getting out of the shower.
Published 04/16/19
While Iain tries to show Bobbie the classic match between Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant, she wonders why there were so many strange looking people in 80s films, she also manages to spoil the ends of The Notebook and La La Land and accuses Iain of watching films with another girl. The only question she manages about wrestling is whether wrestlers put socks in the pants.
Published 04/09/19
In this first episode Iain introduces Bobbie to her first ever wrestling match. The subjects from their sofa range from wrestlers licking children, the member of the Sex and the City cast that would make the best wrestler and a discussion about the likelihood of a wrestler losing a testicle.
Published 04/02/19
Just a taste of what you can expect from I Made My Girlfriend Watch Wrestling, every Tuesday.
Published 03/24/19