Albert is a 17 year old enlisted as a paratrooper at Fort Bragg, when his best friend, fellow soldier, takes him out to a dump for target practice but instead shoots Albert in the stomach and chases him into the forest. Matt is an outdoor enthusiast in New Zealand on the fourth day of a week long hike into the mountains with his dog when he slides over a cliff and lands on jagged rocks. With a severely injured ankle Matt survives for another 11 days after his injury until he can find help. Kristie is 14 years old and has on older sister with an even older friend Paul who has found himself in trouble with the law. One day after coming home from school Kristie finds her sister murdered by Paul before he leads her down to the basement, sexually assaults her, stabs her in the stomach and cuts her throat.
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Bridget is abducted by a man at gunpoint. Ryan and John are on a private plane with a friend and their friend's father when they are caught up in some bad weather. Daryl is stranded alone in the wilderness when a huge snow storm rolls in.
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Published 11/25/24
City Confidential explores crimes that have impacted cities and towns across America. The iconic, noir-style series goes beyond the headlines to showcase the emotional and unexpected stories that catapulted unique communities, both large and small, into the public eye. Each episode tells the...
Published 11/20/24