It starts - Not without a fight.
Welcome the undisputed champions of the world. They won their battles a thousand years ago; then they shut down the championship.
How come?
Well, you see, these are particular kinds of fighters. They are not merely people; they are ideas — undisputed ideas that claimed victory over our minds without a fight. They are values taken for granted that they come in fashion now and then in a new robe even after reigning for centuries. They are concepts we live by yet declare “immoral” anyone who dares to challenge their livelihood.
Their claim over our minds has been uncontested for far too long.
But, what if we changed the rules? What if we pick a fight, not in the ring, rather an intellectual one that can help us become better at forming our philosophy of life?
Join Leopold Ajami and Ricardo Pinto from Novel Philosophy Academy in their quest to explore and challenge undisputed ideas by putting them and themselves on trial.
Do your most hidden desires say something about the worth of your character?
In this episode of Ideas on Trial, Leopold Ajami and Ricardo Pinto join together to examine the notion of the 'dark side' of human nature. Does such a thing exist or can we understand it from another framework? Why is it...
Published 11/03/22
What is the link between Luxury and Lucifer? And, does Luxury escapes reason, and if so, why do we need it?
Nicolas Chemla joins Leopold Ajami and Ricardo Pinto to explore the role of luxury in the human experience. Join us as we explore questions of great interest, such as whether there are...
Published 10/20/22