Instead of seeing the "good stuff" right in front of us, we often hold a mental checklist of what will get better "someday." The impact this has on our children cannot go unnoticed. In this episode, we talk about the fruit that comes from seeing and celebrating the good stuff God blesses us with each day. Here are some takeaways: The rhythm God started in Genesis 1 of celebration and reflection, "It is good."Practical ways to reflect on "the good" of each day as a familyHow we can...
Published 10/26/23
We've been on a journey of simplifying our lives. While it hasn't been the easiest path, we're discovering unexpected beauty along the way. This week, we share what we're learning during this time of scaling back and embracing a quieter season, how it's bringing more clarity to our family's purpose, and how it's also unearthed a newfound joy for our family. When we as parents find our God-given lane, and stay faithful to pursuing it without getting distracted with unnecessary "yeses" and...
Published 10/19/23
Our nervous system's main job is to protect us, but what happens when it's our kid's need for more of us (more time, more play, more food, more...more...more...) that makes us feel unsafe? How do we recognize it? And how do we take care of ourselves while also letting our kids know that their needs matter? In this episode, we share practical ways to discern between when it's necessary to take care of ourselves when we feel unsafe, and also how to prioritize our kid's needs so they feel...
Published 10/13/23
How can we live more in the moment? Besides, the here-and-now is a gift, which is why it's called being "present" (see what we did there?!?) Philippians 4 models for us what it looks like to truly live in the present and receive His peace, which surpasses understanding. However, due to our phones, to-do lists, and stress levels, our minds leave our bodies, leaving us the inability seek calm, pray, and live in peace. In this episode, we talk about how to get back into our bodies in moments...
Published 10/06/23
God placed eternity in our hearts (Ecc. 11), and along with that, dreams and desires for using the gifts He's given us. Yet, somewhere along the way, we succumb to the belief that our dreams will never become reality. What is it that holds us back from believing, in faith, for those dreams as a family? In this episode, we talk about how to utilize dreaming as a means of renewing our mind. Here are some highlights: Being curious about your "why" in dreaming and if you are actually running...
Published 09/29/23
Have you taken a thousand-piece puzzle and dumped it upside down on a table? Pieces everywhere. Some right side up. Others right side down. Border pieces mixed with middle pieces. That's what our lives feel like as we try to find where all of the pieces fit. Have you ever been there? Perhaps you're there now. In this episode, we talk about the toll the fast-paced western industrial complex has on our souls, and what we're doing to take care of ourselves so we can show up well for our loved...
Published 09/21/23
It's the time of year for new rhythms, school routines, and activities. But that also comes with the subtle feeling of disconnection with everyone going in separate directions. In this episode, we talk about how the invention of the clock, light bulb, and iPhone are influencing each of us at a personal and familial level today. We also talk about how you can identify the core essentials that bring your family together, why less is more, and how to "try on" what works for your family. Here...
Published 09/14/23
Summer coming to a close inevitably means new routines. But have you considered where those routines are taking you? How those routines today, if continued, will shape your children's hearts a decade from now? How these routines even shape your family's identity? In this episode, we talk about your "why" and the gift of involving your kids in a purpose greater than themselves. Here are some highlights: What it means for the household to partner with Jesus for the restoration of all...
Published 08/31/23
In last week's episode, we revealed the news of our big life transition as a family. Though this particular move was a big one for us, you've likely faced life transitions of all sizes. The end of summer and the beginning of school. Job loss. A new child. The death of a parent or grandparent. No matter how big or small, all transitions feel important. That's why so many of us want to know that we're hearing from God as we discern what He's doing and pray through next steps and the days...
Published 08/25/23
In the last few months, you've likely heard us talk about our desire to prioritize biblical simplicity and hospitality in our home. This week, we share a couple of big, emotional, yet exciting announcements, as we take leaps of faith into the next level of simplicity as a family. And, we invite you on this journey of hospitality with us, as we look forward to what God has in store for this adventurous new season. Show Notes: Have podcast topic ideas or simply want to drop us a note? We'd...
Published 08/17/23
One of the most frequent questions we're asked is how we maintain a spirit of peace with a family of five and all we have going on. "How do you carry such calm in your interactions with each other?" wrote one long-time listener. To begin, peace doesn't come without a fight. In a world of instant gratification, we too easily settle for moments of peace; but anything that doesn't last is counterfeit. In this episode, we talk about practical ways you can war for and cultivate peace in your...
Published 08/10/23
We love hearing from you, our podcast family, and talk about the topics you care about most. This week, we address questions related to raising toddlers, disciplining kids, walking your kids through divorce, and processing the loss of relationships. Here are some highlights:  Practical ways to regulate emotions instead of shutting them out or losing your mindInsights from Psalm 103 to help your kids feel seenHow discipline sets the tone for the environment of our homeWhy it's important we...
Published 08/04/23
We're not in lack when it comes to what to worry about in today's world, especially as parents. With school approaching, we wanted to bring back one of our favorite humans and Famous at Home guests, our friend Sissy Goff, MEd, LPC-MHSP. Sissy is the director of child and adolescent counseling at Daystar Counseling Ministries in Nashville, Tennessee, and is here with us to talk about her new book, The Worry-Free Parent. This conversation is so rich with parenting nuggets and wisdom on raising...
Published 07/28/23
There are many misconceptions about what practicing the Sabbath, or ceasing from work, really entails. People often view Sabbath as a day for lounging around the house, binging a show on Netflix, or just doing nothing. Those things can be fine, but do they really bring about "soul rest?" In this episode, Josh and Christi go in-depth about the purpose and meaning of Sabbath, and the unique ways they have learned to cultivate it in their home.  Josh and Christi talk about: Shabbat dinner as a...
Published 07/20/23
Have you ever met a family and thought, "Wow, whatever you've done to raise your kids, I need some of that!?" Mark and Tina Seago are one of those couples. Together, they have seven kids, live on a farm, began a classical school together, and are just downright parenting ninja's. We get the privilege of doing life with them and wanted to introduce them to you since they influence our parenting in so many ways. This week, Mark and Tina give us an inside look at their unique family rhythms and...
Published 07/13/23
Last week's conversation centered around how we're rethinking how we lead our family against the common western culture norms that might not be serving families in the way we think or hope they are. This week, we continue this conversation with some of the people who have mentored and taught us much of what we're learning about family right now, Jeremy and April Pryor, dear friends of ours and leaders of Family Teams. Jeremy and April talk about: Mindset shifts as the best way to start...
Published 07/07/23
In many ways, the western culture we live in wars against family growth. This episode is a conversation about how we're seeing the western cultural norms influence our own family and some of the steps we're taking to fight against it. In this episode, we share about how we are structuring our days that's most conducive to Kingdom expansion, is extremely simple (yet rich), and isn't beholden to anyone (except God and our family).  We talk about: Decisions we're making today that will impact...
Published 06/29/23
Who doesn't feel incompetent in the areas of handiness, creativity, and childlike play when it comes to entering your child's world? Perhaps we don't need to make it as complicated as we think. In this episode, Taylor Calmus, video creator of Dude Dad and Super Dad, talks with Josh about what our kids really desire from us, and why he wrote his first children's book, Dad and the Recycling-Bin Roller Coaster. Yes, Taylor actually build a roller coaster in his backyard too!  Taylor shares...
Published 06/22/23
A couple weeks ago Josh interviewed Christi about her experiences with motherhood, healing, and finding her voice. This week, roles reverse and Christi interviews Josh about his experiences with fatherhood, honor, and how he's learned to cast vision for his family. This conversation was unscripted and heartfelt, as Christi asks questions that get to the heart of how Josh sees his role as a father. Josh shares about: The reasons it's important to honor up to previous generations and pass...
Published 06/15/23
After his first interview became one of our most listened to and talked about episodes in podcast history, Pastor Jon Tyson is back with us! He sits down with Josh to talk about intentional fathering, how he discipled his own kids, and the journey you can take your son on as a right of passage into manhood in a healthy and biblical way. Here are some takeaways: How to pay attention to your formation as a man and understand your de-formation Aligning your thoughts, practices, and behaviors...
Published 06/08/23
Last week, we started a two-part mini-series where Josh interviewed Christi about her own experiences with motherhood, healing, and finding her voice. This week, we continue the conversation, as Christi goes more in-depth about her experiences with healing and how she has learned to discern God's voice to her throughout motherhood. Christi shares about: How her relationship with God has evolved and looked in different seasons of motherhood How she's learned to find and experience freedom...
Published 06/01/23
We had a revelation together recently about how we converse on our podcast. It was a revealing conversation (of which we discuss in this week's episode) that ultimately led to a two-episode series where Josh interviews Christi. This conversation was completely unscripted, as Christi didn't know the questions ahead of time. What came from it was a beautiful, heartfelt two-part conversation about Christi's own experiences with motherhood, healing, and finding her voice.  Some highlights...
Published 05/25/23
As parents, fostering an environment of resilience for our kids is arguably one of the most important ways we can set our kids up for healthy relationships and self-competence. Yet, with the state we find ourselves in as a culture, we ourselves need to build resilience as well. In this episode, Josh and Christi talk about practical ways of cultivating resilience in your home. Highlights include:  What it means to be safe for your kids Giving our kids language for what they need from us and...
Published 05/18/23
We live in a constant state of hurry. Our culture even rewards it. Whether it's back-to-back work meetings, rushing kids to and from school activities, or getting dinner on the table, hurry influences our lives on the daily. In this week's episode, Josh and Christi talk about how hurry sickness influences our kid's emotional health.   Highlights include:  Deeper ways that hurry might be impacting your kids Practical ways to create margin in your day for you and others Practical strategies...
Published 05/11/23
How do we enter into our kid's world and build their emotional health and resilience? In this episode, we outline 4 pillars that help us lay a foundation for our kids to manage their emotions, connect with Jesus, and feel seen. With so much uncertainty, we talk about how we can parent from a place of love, not fear. Here are some highlights: How the posture from which we parent matters more than the techniques we use  Why Bible reading should be a priority in your home and not an...
Published 05/04/23