What does it feel like to process the fact that you may never have Biological Children? Well... For starters, it feels overwhelming.  In this Episode of The Infertility Feelings Podcast we are talking all about it! For many people who struggle with infertility, not having biological kids is the elephant in the room, the thing everyone sees but no one wants to talk about it.  In this episode we help break down some of the big feelings we have and how to work through those feelings in way...
Published 04/24/23
Infertility affects your thoughts, but do your thoughts affect your fertility? In what ways does infertility affect your thinking, and in what ways can we think healthier about our bodies and our fertility? In this special episode of the Infertility Feelings Podcast, we are welcomed by Psychologist, Dr. Andrea Ganahl. We talk with her about how we can control our thinking during infertility and how we should think about our own thoughts when we are in the middle of infertility. If you are...
Published 04/17/23
Many who are trying to get pregnant HOPE that this next time, is the time that it will work.  Many who are trying to get pregnant, are tired of HOPING. A lot of people are afraid of HOPE because HOPE has hurt them so much in the past. So let's talk about hope and infertility! In this episode, we are joined by Natalie Dillow. Natalie is a process group leader here at Uniquely Knitted and is here to help us think through all the ways that hope makes us feel! If you have ever struggled with...
Published 04/03/23
There is a lot to grieve when it comes to infertility. There is a lot to process when you are struggling to grow your family. Have you ever looked at your partner and asked yourself, why are we responding to this so differently? Well, this episode is for you. Everyone will grieve infertility in their own way, this podcast episode explores what that feels like! Uniquely Knitted is a Non-Profit Organization serving all who are emotionally affected by infertility. We are on a mission to bring...
Published 03/21/23
In this special episode The Infertility Feelings Podcast welcomes Patricia Heaton and David Hunt! In this episode Patricia Heaton and David Hunt share about their new project 'Unexpected.' Unexpected follows the ongoing relationship of Amy (Anna Camp) and Bob (Joesph Mazzello) as they navigate infertility, Amy’s ever growing animal collection, and their struggle to adopt. In this episode we get to talk about why infertility stories matter, and how infertility does not define who we are as...
Published 02/27/23
If you struggle to get pregnant, the chances are that you have spent many days and nights hoping that this whole nightmare of infertility will just go away. That one day, you will get a miracle. The reality is that for many people, the miracle might not ever come.  So what do you do then? What does that feel like? If you have ever wondered what it would feel like to deal  with infertility without a miracle ending. This Episode is of you.  Uniquely Knitted is a Non-Profit Organization...
Published 02/21/23
It feels like Infertility and being Type-A don't mix.  There are so many little projects to do, so many things to crush and accomplish. However, nothing ever goes to plan and right when you think you have done enough, infertility puts you on a roller coaster of emotions. You can doubt who you are at the core of your being! If you have ever said, "why isn't this working, I have done everything perfectly, why can't I get pregnant?" This episode is for YOU!  Uniquely Knitted is a Non-Profit...
Published 02/03/23
Infertility can feel like one really long bad day. But anyone who has struggled to conceive knows that some days are really bad.  This episode is for those really bad days. If you are in need of some comfort during your struggle to get pregnant, we are here for you and understand what it feels like to be overwhelmed with the weight of infertility. This episode is gentle, and will meet you where you are at when you are having a bad day.  Uniquely Knitted is a Non-Profit Organization serving...
Published 01/30/23
Infertility can cause some severe overthinking, and the feelings that go along with it can HURT. In this first episode of 2023, we discuss how infertility can send us into a downward spiral of overthinking. Some overthinking is understandable, sometimes it goes too far and can start to feel unhealthy. How do you know the difference, and what can you do about it? If you have ever overthought during your infertility journey this episode is for you! Uniquely Knitted is a Non-Profit...
Published 01/16/23
In this end-of-year episode Jesse, Doug, and Natalie are processing what the New Year feels like when you struggle to get pregnant. We get a chance to look back on the year we have had at Uniquely Knitted, and we talk about what we are looking forward to in 2023. If you have ever felt like the New Year is a painful time of year when you struggle with infertility then this episode is for you! The Infertility Feelings Podcast is produced by the Non-Profit Uniquely Knitted.  A Non-Profit...
Published 12/19/22
Have you ever wondered what our parents think about infertility? Well, today we are finding out! In this special episode, Jesse is joined by Tammy and Randy, her parents! We are talking about the way our parents feel when we struggle with infertility and we are looking at the unique role they play in our infertility stories.  If you have ever wanted a window into a parent's mind when you are struggling with infertility, this is it! Uniquely Knitted is a Non-Profit Organization serving all...
Published 12/12/22
Has infertility ever made you wonder where you belong? Do I belong with all my friends who keep getting pregnant? Where do I belong in this infertility community? Where do I belong after all this is over? If you have ever wondered where you belong this episode is for you! Not to make this all personal, and I know you're probably reading this on your phone but... If you are wondering where you belong. I just want you to know that you belong here. No matter who you are, what you have been...
Published 11/21/22
In this special episode, Jesse and Doug explain how Halloween can be a perfect window into the pain of infertility. Plus you get to find out what Jesse is dressing up as for Halloween! Uniquely Knitted is a Non-Profit Organization serving all who are emotionally affected by infertility. We are on a mission to bring healing to the traumas of infertility and end the isolation that comes with struggling to grow your family. Learn more at https://uniquelyknitted.org
Published 10/29/22
Throughout struggling to get pregnant there is a lot of... waiting! Waiting for your cycle to start, waiting for an appointment, waiting for surgery, waiting to see what happens, waiting for numbers to rise, waiting for numbers to fall, waiting, waiting, waiting.  In this episode, we are talking about what that waiting FEELS like and how we can DO something about it. If you feel stuck in the wait right now, or you have ever experienced painful waiting during infertility this episode is for...
Published 10/24/22
What does it feel like when someone announces they are pregnant while you are struggling to conceive? Well... It's a lot, and today we are talking all about it. In this episode, we are talking about the options we have as people who struggle with infertility when it comes to pregnancy announcements. Should we insulate ourselves from people who could become pregnant? Should we prepare ourselves to deal with the announcements?  Plus you get to hear what makes Jesse and Doug embarrassed!  If...
Published 10/03/22
Let's face it, infertility can be overwhelmingly depressing. So today we have brought in Dr. Andrea Ganahl to learn more about the connection between infertility and depression. In this episode, we talk about the definition of depression. We look at how sadness and depression are different. We talk about what your first steps can be if you are feeling stuck in depression. Mostly, we validate that infertility sucks, it's depressing and anxiety-inducing, and you are not alone! If you feel you...
Published 09/18/22
How does your unique personality react to infertility? Let's find out together! The Enneagram is a personality assessment tool used by many people worldwide. In this special episode, we are looking at EVERY Enneagram number and talking about how each number will react to the stressful world of trying to conceive. To make things official we welcome Executive Coach, Lisa Gomez-Osborn who specializes in the Enneagram. Her insight and wisdom will help us connect your unique Enneagram number...
Published 09/12/22
What does it feel like to look back on struggling to grow your family for ten years? Well... It's a lot. In this episode, Jesse and Doug are telling their unique infertility story and giving their insights into what it is like to struggle through TTC, IUI, IVF, Adoption, and Foster Care. If you have ever wanted insight into what it's like to come to the end of your family growing season this episode is for you. ❤️ Uniquely Knitted is a Non-Profit Organization serving all who are...
Published 09/05/22
Sometimes infertility makes us very ANGRY... So let's talk about it! Whether it's missed expectations or the injustice of having to be the ones who experience this, infertility can really make us angry. In this episode, we talk about what it feels like to experience anger when struggling to get pregnant. We will also look at what we can do with our anger during infertility. Plus, you get to hear the words Pure Unadulterated Rage multiple times, so that's a plus.  If infertility has ever...
Published 08/01/22
Infertility brings up a lot of emotions. So today we are sitting down with Therapist Dr. Andrea Ganahl to give her some burning questions we all have! How can we deal with the anxiety of starting a new cycle? How do I get my husband to open up about his feelings? How do I deal with family during infertility? How do I cope with the fear of making the wrong decision? If you have ever wanted to know the answer to any of those questions then this episode is for you! Dr. Anny is a gracious...
Published 07/11/22
What does it feel like to get invited to a baby shower when you are struggling to have a baby? Today we are talking all about it. In this episode, we are talking about whether or not we should try to go to baby showers. We look at some of the reasons we would say NO, and some of the reasons we would say, MAYBE to baby showers when we are struggling with infertility.  Jesse also is giving us 5 real ways to attend a baby shower in a healthy way! Baby showers and other baby-related events can...
Published 06/28/22
What does it feel like to go to a fertility clinic when you are struggling with infertility? Today we are talking about it! In this episode, we talk about waiting rooms, doctors, self-care, and the odd way we relate to fertility clinics. Not everyone going through infertility will go to a fertility clinic but for those who do, we need to talk about what it feels like! Uniquely Knitted is a Non-Profit Organization serving all who are emotionally affected by infertility. We are on a mission...
Published 05/30/22
Have you ever wondered what your siblings think about your struggle with infertility? Well, on this episode of the Infertility Feelings Podcast, we will find out because Jesse is talking with her siblings all about infertility!  We are joined by Abby and Ben (Jesse's sister and brother) to talk all about what they felt when Jesse was going through infertility. This conversation is a great window into how people experience our stories of struggling to conceive.  Uniquely Knitted is a...
Published 05/23/22
For some people, Mother's Day is a hard day. When you are struggling with infertility it can be a reminder of all the things you wish you had. It is hard to explain what it feels like to see so many people celebrated for having the one thing you are fighting so hard to get. In this special Mother's Day episode Jesse and Doug talk about how they make it through days like this. This episode will teach you 4 things you can do this week in preparation for Mother's Day or any other day that feels...
Published 05/02/22
What is infertility, what are fertility treatments, and how does it feel to struggle with infertility? In this special National Infertility Awareness Week episode, we are talking directly to the friends and family of those who are struggling to conceive. This episode is designed to be listened to, and sent to people! In this episode, we talk about the VERY BASICS of what infertility is, and some of the common treatments people may choose to do. This is in no way supposed to be an exhaustive...
Published 04/25/22