Galen's past and future come to a crossroads, and naturally his friends support him by making bets about his fate. Yannick tries to make nice with a Tabonry city official as he casually guides him to a near certain death. Also...bears!
Published 02/15/24
Jeremy recaps the first 5 episodes of season 6.
Published 02/15/24
Yannick tries to kill Agiri in an attempt to learn more about the mysterious glowing orb beneath the ruins of the Renarian Temple, and the heroes attempt to make good on their growing list of promises to the mayor, promises to Captain Vaynor, and promises to Kerahell.  Well, two out of three ain't bad...
Published 02/08/24
After bargaining with the Mayor, the adventures follow some sage advice to investigate the ruins of the Renarian Brotherhood's stronghold that they hope to lay claim to as a new temple for Kerahell. They soon discover that the place is a dangerous money pit in more ways than one.
Published 02/01/24
After destroying a summoning circle and doing some light looting, the adventurers head back to Tabonry.  They are met with a group of citizens trying to protest the building of the new wall to expand the city.  They of course get involved.  There is some shopping and some family drama before getting the most holiest of quests.
Published 01/11/24
Feeling wounded and cocky after surviving the first encounter with kobolds, the adventurers stumble their way through the White Hills, continuing their search for the evil wizard, Gazmore. After a chance encounter with a mysterious messenger, they happen upon an ancient fort buried deep into a mountain.  The horrors that they find inside provide more questions than answers.
Published 01/04/24
Season 6 kicks off with all new heroes and all new adventures. Adventurers Agiri the Human cleric, Dash the Ysoki kinneticist, Galen the Human thaumaturge, Hemlock the Fetchling gunslinger, Jericho the Gnome bard, and Yannick the Human champion get after it in typical Bard's style. The brave, new heroes gather in their hometown of Tabonry with plans to keep the peace and make some gold, but it turns out that it's much easier to make some enemies instead!
Published 12/14/23
This is it folks.  The Bards give their thoughts and ask all their questions about Season 5!
Published 10/12/23
In the final episode of season 5, the Heroes are in a prison underground taking on the undead Lord Ry'Kal.
Published 09/28/23
The Heroes go into the cave looking to get some answers from the cultists.  They get way more than they bargained for, as the danger and trouble grows the deeper into the dungeon they go.
Published 09/14/23
The Heroes mourn the loss of their friend and start on the road of vengeance. Danger swoops down from above as the Heroes make their way towards a camp of the Cult of Mordren.
Published 09/07/23
Having dealt with the smuggler Gullik's henchman, the Heroes get information that lead them to a nearby village. Their plan: rescue a resistance leader. The outcome: deadly.
Published 08/23/23
Lets get the band back together!!! It has been 2 years, and the Heroes are spread out across Caliviaire.  Coal attempts to round them all up to go after the horde from another realm known only as The Legion.
Published 08/17/23
The Heroes spilt up into 3 groups and go to separate ends of Caliviaire to each repair a cascading arc simultaneously. Chaos, visions, and a new arrival threaten the entire operation.
Published 08/04/23
The Heroes split up into 3 groups, each traveling far into different directions to take care of a cascading arc. Vessel and Fiona go to gnomish city of Ganderlock, Valamir and Arragus find themselves in a castle to the northwest, and Coal and Cavan go south and quickly get in over their heads.
Published 07/27/23
In the vast city of Kanebren, the Heroes make contact with the Queen's Cabal.  They make plans and discover more information on how to take care of the cascading arcs...information that may have them splitting up and traveling across the kingdom.
Published 07/20/23
Jeremy and a little bit of Seth recap the story so far.
Published 07/20/23
The Heroes on the road to Calaviaire try to help someone in distress and get more than they bargained for.
Published 07/05/23
The heroes receive an ominous visitor in the night. A peaceful evening at the Welcome Hall turns violent. With adventure awaiting them, the heroes take their leave of the city of Almithra and head out in search of new trouble in the kingdom of Calaviaire.
Published 06/22/23
Beneath the city, the adventurer's hunt for treasure. Valimir finds a new friend unexpectedly. This is a fun one. 
Published 06/08/23
The heroes battle snake cultists in an old manor before heading out on a dangerous treasure hunt.
Published 06/06/23
Jeremy does a recap of the adventure so far.  Enjoy.
Published 06/06/23
The adventurer's pay a visit to The Cavalcade and encounter a carnival-like theatre troupe. The heroes more than an eyeful and split a conspiracy wide open. Dingle-Dangle!
Published 05/26/23
Several of our adventurers deal with some internal strife and grief. Loss and change comes to many by the end of the adventure.
Published 05/19/23
After fixing the ley line at the magical mansion, the adventurers head back to hold off the execution of Valamir's father.  What they come back to is...alarming.  
Published 05/11/23