Rabbi Yitzchak Dovid Grossman, often called the "Disco Rabbi". Renowned for his outreach, he began visiting discos and nightclubs in the 1960s to connect with and rehabilitate at-risk youth, transforming countless lives. His journey is filled with extraordinary encounters with rebbes, prime...
Published 11/23/24
In the heart of a war-torn Israel, Enon Dagan and Avichai Koch are fighting a new battle—not with weapons, but with determination and soil-stained hands. Once proud Israeli reservists, these heroes now work as farmers, struggling against all odds to preserve their homeland and sustain its...
Published 11/16/24
In this heartfelt interview, Jessica, a Korean adoptee raised in the American Midwest, shares her journey of self-discovery that led her to embrace Orthodox Judaism and reconnect with her birth family. She opens up about her search for identity, love, and acceptance, blending two worlds that seem...
Published 11/09/24