On the back of his novel The Shepherd’s Hut, which tells the story of outback lost boy Jaxie, Australia’s most beloved author talks about toxic masculinity, what he’s learned about our young men and how he thinks they can be helped to have fuller, richer lives, for their own good and for the good of all of us.
If Australians can agree about one thing, it’s that we’re not that impressed by our politicians. Julie Bishop is one of the very few exceptions to the rule. As foreign minister, it didn’t matter where she was in the world or how jetlagged she might’ve been, she always turned up immaculately...
Published 08/14/19
Neil’s a musical legend. Liam’s had his own share of success in a 15 year career that started with the band Betchadupa. Now they’re finally playing together, when Neil can get time off from his Fleetwood mac duties. They recently made an album, Lightsleeper. How do two generations work together...
Published 08/12/19