In this eerie story of unexpected terror, a newlywed couple finds their new life together disrupted by an unseen presence in their old basement apartment in American Fork, Utah. Initially dismissing strange occurrences as quirks of the house, they soon find themselves face-to-face with something...
Published 11/23/24
In this episode, we delve into the unsettling story of a family who thought they'd found a temporary refuge in an old trailer. But the quiet home quickly reveals a darker side, as strange occurrences begin to creep into their daily lives. From disappearing blankets to a mysterious voice calling...
Published 11/22/24
Willowcrest Academy, a prestigious New England boarding school, is more than just a place of learning—it is home to spirits that refuse to rest. When freelance journalist Jack Marlow arrives to investigate the school’s rumored hauntings, he expects to find little more than exaggerated legends....
Published 11/21/24