59 – Investing in Fine Wines w/ Erik Portanger
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Guest: Eric Portanger, Managing Director, Wine Management SICAV. Erik Portanger has been collecting and investing in fine wine for over 20 years. His passion for wine began as a journalist for the Wall Street Journal newspaper in London in the 1990s, where he frequently interviewed top winemakers. Now based in Prague, Erik serves as Managing Director of Wine Management SICAV, Europe's fastest-growing wine investment fund. He is also the Founder and CEO of Alchemy Cellars, which advises high-net-worth individuals and family offices on building personal fine wine collections. This episode is hosted by Aleksandar Brdar. Poznáte súťaž Podcast roku? Tento rok sa koná jej piaty ročník a budeme veľmi radi za každý hlas, ktorý sa rozhodnete počas vášho hlasovania udeliť aj nám! Sami v ňom môžete vyhrať hodnotné ceny :) Hlasovanie -> https://www.podcastroku.cz/#hlasovani @: Mail: [email protected] FB: https://www.facebook.com/klubinvestoru LINK: https://www.linkedin.com/company/klubinvestoru/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/ki_brno/ TW: https://www.twitter.com/klubinvestoru YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOm7ceRVGPXVkDJ-WUSW8xA
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