〔粵〕還記得radiodada嗎?2010年4月7日受設計師Paul Ng邀請,到radiodada位於朗豪坊地庫雪糕店旁的直播室,做In-house節目的嘉賓。當年podcast網紅仍未盛行、YouTube方興未艾的時候,以很正經傳統電台節目的形式,和Paul談了個半小時typography,現場直播。Paul Ng是香港少有我和他對typography想法相近的設計師,個半小時的節目過得很快,東拉西扯把積累多年的想法都一一說了出來。很愉快!
[Cantonese] Back in 2010, I was invited by fellow designer Paul Ng to appear as a guest on the internet radio station Radiodada in a show called Design In-house. We spent an hour and a half talking about typography. Radiodada was conceived and founded by Tommy Li, with a then-cutting edge website designed by Pill and Pillow. This show was aired on 7 April 2010, and we were doing it live at the basement of Langham Place in Mong Kok, in a ‘fish
tank’ studio with shoppers passing by.
My email to Paul in preparation of the show is published here.