Chris Severance teaching IronMen Connect | 2/9/24
1) Are you willing to be used of God for his purposes in 2024? And how are you answering God's call of YOU to meet the needs of the 21st Century culture of today?
2) Honestly, are you actively participating in the reaching and studies set forth for IronMen of God for 2024?
3) Do you have obstacles in your life by way of your own habits and hangups that present your fruitfulness and effectiveness in serving in the Kingdom work? And are you...
Published 02/09/24
Don Stanton teaching IronMen Connect | 2/2/24
1. How do you speak up about faith even when it is uncomfortable or seems silly?
2. How do you teach others about JESUS CHRIST?
3. How do you show Humility?
Published 02/02/24
IronMen of God - January 2024 Coffee
Speaker: Rick Bohner
Topic: Introduction to Biblical Manhood
Published 01/26/24
Peter Weed teaching IronMen Connect | 1/19/24
When have you sensed God asking you to step out of your comfort zone and take action in some situation?
How did you respond to that call and what were the results when you either did or didn’t take action?
In a world where it seems most people are reluctant to share their faith with a stranger, what action are you willing to take to help you finish well, would you actually get out of the boat in the storm?
Published 01/19/24
Jim Taylor teaching IronMen Connect | 1/12/24
1. Character is an important element as a follower of Christ. Share a time or a way you had to protect and preserve your character.
2. We read from Matthew 16 where Jesus asked the disciples, “Who do you say I am?”. If Jesus were to ask you this question today, how would you answer?
3. Have you ever realized that God has revealed a truth to you as you have spoken something, been in prayer, or while reading the scriptures? Share what the...
Published 01/12/24
David Hull teaching IronMen Connect | 1/5/24
1) Describe your first encounter or the time when you accepted Jesus as Lord. What changed in your life?
2) Share any life experiences (successes, failures, restoration) that have helped or are helping shape you as a better disciple/leader for Christ.
3) What does it mean to “Follow Jesus” and be a “fisher of men” to you practically?
Published 01/05/24
IronMen of God - December 2023 Coffee
Speaker: Obie Diaz & David Hill
Topic: Gratitude
Published 12/15/23
Dax Pearson teaching IronMen Connect | 12/8/23
1. How does God talk to you?... AND are you intentionally spending time there listening?
2. What do you see God pointing you toward as your life’s purpose?... AND are you intentionally obeying?
3. Are you actively pursuing what God has pointed you toward… AND if so how… OR why not?
Published 12/08/23
Shane Swan teaching IronMen Connect | 12/1/23
Have you had a road to Damascus moment in your life? If not, did you have an experience when you knew you were in the presence of God?
Is a crisis necessary to make a full surrender to God?
How has your life, relationships, work or anything else changed since you began following Christ?
Published 12/01/23
IronMen of God - November 2023 Coffee
Speaker: Austin Arthur
Topic: Paul: How God Empowers Men to Fully Follow Christ
Published 11/17/23
Dave Ogden teaching IronMen Connect | 11/10/23
Deconstruction and Reconstruction: How has a challenging experience in your life acted as a deconstruction phase, breaking down old habits, attitudes, or perspectives? How did this lead to personal growth?
Molding through Adversity: Can you recall a particularly challenging situation that tested your mental, physical, or spiritual resilience? How did you cope with this challenge, and in hindsight, how did it shape your character?
Published 11/10/23
IronMen of God - October 2023 Coffee
Speaker: Michael Molthan
Topic: Peter: How God Equips Men to Reach Other Men
Michael's I Am Second Video: https://www.iamsecond.com/film/michael-molthan/#modal-media-vimeo
Published 10/27/23
Mike Winslow teaching IronMen Connect | 10/20/23
How do you intentionally stay connected with friends?
How have you been a faithful friend to someone beyond your family?
Describe a time you had a friend walk you through a dark time where you were struggling, or you walked a friend through a struggle
Published 10/20/23
Keith Greiveldinger teaching IronMen Connect | 10/13/23
1.) Have you ever gone through a period of suffering and been surprised and frustrated and after did you look back on it with gratitude for this suffering?
2.) Do you ever feel like you are running in the wrong race or do you feel confident you are running the right race with God?
3.) Do you believe God is always at work in and through our Sufferings? What are some examples of the time he has done this in your life?
Published 10/13/23
Jack Levine teaching IronMen Connect | 10/6/23
1. The disciples suffered to get closer to God. Are you truly willing to suffer to get closer to God?
2. Do you think suffering in your life has made you a better person and brought you closer to God?
3. God says He will test our faith. Give an example in your life when you believe your faith was tested by suffering.
Bonus - How should you treat other people, believers and nonbelievers, when you see they are suffering? What words of...
Published 10/06/23
IronMen of God - September 2023 Coffee
Speaker: Dr. Charles Cooper
Topic: Job: How God Molds Men Through Suffering
Published 09/29/23
Scott Gration teaching IronMen Connect | 9/15/23
1. What event(s) has God used to get your spiritual attention…to focus on your dash?2. For what purpose God has placed you in your vocation and/or community?3. Do you believe that you must be in “full-time ministry” to serve God full time?
Published 09/15/23
Bob Gilbert teaching IronMen Connect | 9/8/23
1. Provide an example of an issue that captured you and drew you to the act.2. How did you know that your action was driven by God and not your ego or self-aggrandizement?3. Were there challenges that caused you to question your motivations, and how did you deal with them?
Published 09/08/23
Craig Huston teaching IronMen Connect | 9/1/23
1) Share a time you knew you were supposed to take action, and you didn’t. What held you back?
2) When did you feel compelled to act, asked God to help you, and did it even though you were hesitant?3) What’s something God is calling you to do today? What’s the first step you're going to take?
Published 09/01/23
IronMen of God - August 2023 Coffee
Speaker: Jesse Stanley
Topic: Nehemiah: How God Calls Men into Action
Published 08/25/23
Bill Wagner teaching IronMen Connect | 8/18/23
1) What are you chasing today that you haven’t consulted God about? Would his council change your direction? What is holding you back?
2) Having people in your group to speak truth into your life is important, tell a time when someone’s honesty with you helped you live in God's commandments.
3) Happiness outside the Lord is impossible. Share examples of how God has shown you Happiness, what did that look like in your life.
Published 08/18/23
Michael Babcock teaching IronMen Connect | 8/11/23
1) What example(s) can you share of times you were deceived, and then the Lord opened your mind to the truth?
2) How can we protect ourselves from the world's deceptions?
3) Can you think of anyone in your life that needs to be (gently) confronted with the truth?
Published 08/11/23
Jesse Stanley teaching IronMen Connect | 8/4/23
Discuss a time when you pursued something that had God in it but God wasn't in all of it.
Discuss a time when you failed to pursue something that was God-led.
If the whole duty of man is to fear God and keep His commandments, what would your judgement look like today?
Published 08/04/23
IronMen of God - July 2023 Coffee
Speaker: Doug Hurley
Topic: Solomon: How God Shows Men the True Path to Happiness
Published 07/28/23
Bob Troxel teaching IronMen Connect | 7/21/23
1) If you are still dealing with the consequences of past sin, are you trusting in God’s goodness and redemptive purposes? (Hebrews 6:13-20)2) What encouragement do you need from your table mates to press on in participating in God’s “good work” in you – and stand firm with your brothers in the faith of the gospel? (Philippians 1:3-6, 27)3) Share two things that you want your table mates to pray for. Record what your table mates share and...
Published 07/21/23