The debt of gratitude and human duties to be performed and believed by human beings towards Allahu Taala with the heart, tongue and body were defined by Allahu Taala and communicated by His beloved Prophet (sall-Allahu Taala alaihi wa sallam)! The human duties which Allahu Taala showed and ordered are called Islam. One thanks Him by following the way His Prophet taught. Allahu Taala does not accept or like any thanks, any worship incompatible with or outside this way, because there are many things which men consider good or beautiful but which Islam disapproves of and regards as ugly. Hence, in thanking Allahu Taala, people who have reasoning should adapt themselves to Hazrat Muhammad (alaihi-salam). His way is called Islam. A person following Muhammad (alaihi-salam) is called a Muslim. Thanking Allahu Taala, that is, following Muhammad (alaihi-salam), is called ibada (worship).