Jade Talks Cheap Flights #10 – Flights Back to Australia
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Hi, with the recent drama of my sister's flight to Australia being cancelled, there was a lot of people caught up overseas without clear instructions from the airline and with uncertainty how to get home, so todays episode is dedicated to all the best flight options, for Australians to get back home to Australia, this week, before all the airlines ground their fleet due to coronavirus. Luckily there's still some cheap options left. Here's the link to book all the flights mentioned in todays podcast episode >> https://jadejackson.com.au/stuck-overseas-trying-to-get-home-heres-flight-options-available/ If you prefer to search your own flights, you can do so here >> https://jadejackson.com.au/cheap-flights. If you want to say hi, find me on twitter at www.twitter.com/cheapflightjade or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/jadetalkstravel. If your friends would like this, please share it with them. Thanks for listening, cheers Jade :-)
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