In this episode we cover two papers that examine the impact of climate change on nephrology practice. Specifically, the effect of extreme weather events on hemodialysis patient mortality and greenhouse gas emissions associated with dialysis treatment.
Published 09/14/22
Two highlighted clinical studies: the first addresses the effect of combining a SGLT2 inhibitor and a MRA on proteinuria; the second considers vascular reactivity as a risk factor for cerebral hypoxia when blood pressure falls during dialysis treatments.
Published 08/17/22
In this podcast, Dr. Briggs and JASN Deputy Editor, Dr. Donald Wesson discuss the special series highlighted in the July Issue. The series focuses on kidney health disparities with an emphasis on strategies for their elimination.
Published 07/13/22
Dr. Briggs summarizes findings in a study published in the June issue of JASN. The study examines the impact of continued immunosuppression in patients with failed allografts; the effects are surprising and suggest current guidelines may not be optimum.
Published 06/15/22
In this podcast Dr. Briggs talks with Dr. Kate Butler about advance care planning for patients with chronic kidney disease.
Published 05/25/22
In the May JASN highlights, Dr. Briggs summarizes two important studies on the role of inflammation as a driving factor in the progression of CKD.
Published 05/10/22
In this Podcast, JASN EIC, Josie Briggs, discusses a clinical trial from the April issue on roxadustat in dialysis patients with Magdalene Assimon. Dr. Assimon explains the interpretation of the finding that roxadustat is non-inferior to epoetin alpha.
Published 04/11/22
Kidney patients are at high risk for cardiovascular disease. In this Podcast, Dr. Briggs talks and Dr. David Charytan discuss recent work to improve the prediction of CVD in kidney patients. New work from CRIC aims to update the Framingham equation.
Published 03/17/22
In this episode, Dr. Josie Briggs and Dr. Brendon Neuen discuss the GFR paradox: SGLT inhibitors and other kidney-protective drugs initially cause a drop in GFR.
Published 02/16/22
Josie Briggs talks with Nicholas Steers about his work using inbred mice strains to understand the genetic factors that result in collapsing focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in HIV nephropathy, insights also relevant to a rare complication of COVID-19
Published 01/12/22
In this podcast JASN EIC, Josie Briggs talks with transplant expert and JASN Associate Editor, Matt Griffin about two studies that examine the immune responses to COVID-19 in transplant patients.
Published 11/23/21
Each issue of JASN contains Highlights, short summaries of a few of the articles in the issue, chosen by the EIC as of special interest to our readers.
Published 11/18/21
Each issue of JASN contains Highlights, short summaries of a few of the articles in the issue, chosen by the EIC as of special interest to our readers.
Published 10/14/21
A conversation with EIC, Josie Briggs and leading nephrology clinical trialist, Vlado Perkovic - on the next generation of clinical trials in nephrology.
Published 09/08/21
A few articles in each issue are chosen by the EIC for their interest. The issue highlights include: laminin-521 –a novel GBM autoantigen, iron biomarkers & mortality in nondialysis kidney disease, & disparities among hemodialysis patients with COVID-19.
Published 08/09/21
Transplant candidates with top 20% Estimated Post-Transplant Survival (EPTS) scores are prioritized to receive optimal deceased-donor kidneys. A study found fewer than half of eligible ESKD patients w/ top 20% EPTS scores were on transplant waiting list.
Published 07/30/21
The extracellular matrix (ECM) biomechanically regulates nephrogenesis, and abnormal ECM is a histologic feature of kidney aging and disease. Two reports in this issue use state-of-the-art methods to characterize the ECM in development, aging and disease.
Published 07/27/21
A discussion between Dr. Magdalene Assimon, one of the JASN editorial fellows and study authors Dr. Pablo Garcia and Dr. Shuchi Anand on their recent JASN paper titled, "SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Acceptability in Patients on Hemodialysis: A Nationwide Survey."
Published 07/07/21
The June issue of JASN features new population level data from CMS on the real burden of the pandemic for dialysis and transplant patients in the US. These grim numbers remind us of the important role nephrologists play in Advance Care Planning.
Published 06/11/21
Two papers published this month in JASN provide new insights into these unsolved questions: Why is the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease so high in kidney patients? Why is the podocyte slit diaphragm so vulnerable to immunological injury?
Published 06/03/21
Every issue of JASN includes Highlights, which are short summaries of 5-6 articles hand-picked by the EIC for their interest and impact.
Published 05/07/21
Every issue of JASN includes Highlights, which are short summaries of 5-6 articles hand-picked by the EIC for their interest and impact.
Published 04/01/21
Every issue of JASN includes Highlights, which are short summaries of 5-6 articles hand picked by the EIC for their interest and impact.
Published 03/01/21
Every issue of JASN includes Highlights, which are short summaries of 5-6 articles hand picked by the EIC for their interest and impact.
Published 02/01/21
Every issue of JASN includes Highlights, which are short summaries of 5-6 articles hand picked by the EIC for their interest and impact.
Published 12/30/20