很多人应该都很爱吃香蕉,但是banana这个词有时候不单单是香蕉的意思,英语的习语”go bananas”也不是香蕉去哪里了,更不是让香蕉走开,好吧不卖关子了,听听Joy and Chris的解释吧! C: Hi guys. I’m Chris. J: And I’m Joy. Today we are gonna talk about the idiom: go bananas. It means to become crazy about something. Usually this is to express that someone becomes very excited or angry. You can use it like this: I went bananas. / She’ll go bananas. / They have gone bananas. C: Ok, we all know monkeys love bananas. Now imagine a monkey sees some bananas in your hand. I think it would go crazy about that and try to take them from you. Right? So, that’s kinda what this idiom is about. So if you go to a concert of a singer or a band, you might see some fans getting really excited meeting the celebrity. You can say that they are going bananas. J: Well, you know Chris. Just the other day, I went to the shopping mall and found that H&M was on super sale. You know what happened? ...
昨天我们学到的习语"busy beaver",可以说"busy beaver"们的时间一定经常很紧张,有人可能觉得“时间紧张”也可以用“Time is tight”,这是比较简单的一种用法,那还有其他地道的表达方式吗? C: Hi guys. I’m Chris. J: And I’m Joy. The idiom we’ll be covering today is: pressed for time. It means that someone is in a hurry and has limited amount of time. You can use...
Published 07/21/20
你的生活是不是开始忙碌起来了呢?很多人的工作上现在可能忙着开始新的项目,也有人可能忙着计划接下来该去哪里玩一玩,那在形容自己或者别人超级忙碌的时候,除了用”I’m so busy.”或者”You are so busy.”还有没有其他地道的表达方式呢? C: Hi guys. I’m Chris. J: And I’m Joy. We’ll be talking about another idiom today that is: busy beaver or busy as a beaver. It means that someone is very busy,...
Published 07/21/20
今天的习语”put your heads together”,字面的意思看起来好像真的是“把头放在一起”,但是我们想一下如果几个人把头放在一起能产生什么效果呢?你们能猜到这个习语的意思吗? C: Hi guys. I’m Chris. J: And I’m Joy. The idiom we are covering today is: put our heads together. It means to work together in order to come up with an idea or solution. It’s usually used for...
Published 07/21/20