你有没有过想要沉下心来,开始认真地做一件事呢?可能你想开始抛开一切,每天认真地听一听英语;或者全心投入去读完一本书;再或者全力以赴地学一项技能……我们听一听Joy and Chris是怎样用英语表达的吧! C: Hi guys. I’m Chris. J: And I’m Joy. The idiom we are covering today is: buckle down. It means to put in a lot of effort toward something and begin to work very seriously at this thing. You can use it like this: I’m buckling down. / She has buckled down. / They are gonna have to buckle down. C: Well, buckling down can be used to express fastening a seat belt. So we can imagine that if you have fastened your seat belt, you are ready to start a journey. And you are taking it very seriously. For students who are in the last year of high school, an important college entrance exam is coming soon. So you really have to buckle down and study hard right now. Or there is a big project for you to complete this month and all of your leaders are very concerned about it. If you don’t buckl...
昨天我们学到的习语"busy beaver",可以说"busy beaver"们的时间一定经常很紧张,有人可能觉得“时间紧张”也可以用“Time is tight”,这是比较简单的一种用法,那还有其他地道的表达方式吗? C: Hi guys. I’m Chris. J: And I’m Joy. The idiom we’ll be covering today is: pressed for time. It means that someone is in a hurry and has limited amount of time. You can use...
Published 07/21/20
你的生活是不是开始忙碌起来了呢?很多人的工作上现在可能忙着开始新的项目,也有人可能忙着计划接下来该去哪里玩一玩,那在形容自己或者别人超级忙碌的时候,除了用”I’m so busy.”或者”You are so busy.”还有没有其他地道的表达方式呢? C: Hi guys. I’m Chris. J: And I’m Joy. We’ll be talking about another idiom today that is: busy beaver or busy as a beaver. It means that someone is very busy,...
Published 07/21/20
今天的习语”put your heads together”,字面的意思看起来好像真的是“把头放在一起”,但是我们想一下如果几个人把头放在一起能产生什么效果呢?你们能猜到这个习语的意思吗? C: Hi guys. I’m Chris. J: And I’m Joy. The idiom we are covering today is: put our heads together. It means to work together in order to come up with an idea or solution. It’s usually used for...
Published 07/21/20