Superbly entertaining
Jools and Jim , what a combination!! Great guests with very enjoyable dialogue and I think you have found a great way to deliver adverts, I only ever listened to sports casts when running not anymore - please don’t stop as I can’t wait for the next !!
Mr V63 via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 08/03/21
More reviews of Jools and Jim's Joyride
It’s well done! And well done you, for talking about stuff.
JonnyHK67 via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 02/03/21
Count the times Miles Copeland says “Y’KNOW” after literally EVERY sentence and you’ll get as infuriated as I did! “ Y’KNOW Y’KNOW Y’KNOW Y’KNOW Y’KNOW Y’KNOW Y’KNOW Y’KNOW” 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Arrrggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!
Best NCL via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 08/16/23
Vic Hope has exhausted me. She’s had a great life and now I’m feeling inadequate! L
patternrepeat via Apple Podcasts · Hong Kong · 10/27/22
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