I certainly hope that you're proud of your accomplishments and where you've gotten to thus far in your career. Even in knowing that, we all have the right and can give ourselves permission to switch it up when we're ready to. Perhaps you are in a career that has served you well and has done exactly what you wanted it to do in your life and now you're ready to say, "I want to switch it up." Well, this episode is for you. Listen to this quick and impactful episode focused on helping you...
Published 01/09/24
Sooner or later, we can all find ourselves stuck. Even in areas where we may be deemed the expert or the "smartest person in the room, we can still find ourselves stuck. What no one tells us early on is that we might even find ourselves stuck, professionally. Perhaps you know that there's something else that you want to do or you're just having the overwhelming blah feeling of not knowing what to do or where to go next, professionally. Let this episode guide and inspire you! #juststart 
Published 01/02/24
You have accomplished so much this year and last year and the year before. I know that the world makes you want to quickly forget what you've done, purchased and achieved so that you can quickly move on to buy more and do more. But, have YOU given yourself permission to sample what you've already done. Let's explore your opportunity to end the year with Sampling Yourself! 
Published 12/28/23
It's no secret that I love a good hosting opportunity. With one of the most celebrated holidays of the year happening in just a couple of days, you may find yourself in the midst of preparing to host. Well, here are some ways to do it well or even give yourself permission to START hosting!
Published 12/21/23
Listen. Don't sit around waiting on someone else to celebrate your wins. How about you get the celebration going and invite other people to get onboard? Here's how to do that!
Published 12/14/23
When you think about celebrating others, your mind may by default head into standard items and gifts that have worked in the past. But, is that the best way? Is there a more effective and thoughtful way to celebrate others. Let's explore just that!
Published 12/07/23
Oh, to be a (T)EO... what an absolute treat to have this wonderful dialogue with Ellarose Preston. We have had the wonderful pleasure of being friends for more than 25 years! So, to be able to have this dialogue about what she has been building at J. Elise Tea was an absolute pleasure. We explore how a health condition inspired her to start her artisinal tea business and how she continues to stay focused in what can sometimes feel like a crowded space. So, strap in and let's get started...
Published 11/30/23
Today, I'm sharing what I'm grateful for! I'm hoping that todays episode inspires you to reflect on what you're grateful for, sit in your memories and moments and use this momentum to continue to start and keep going!
Published 11/23/23
It's not enough to just tell you to be grateful! I have to actually give you some real tools and that's what today is all about. Use these tools and maybe some other ones that you have in your back pocket to remind yourself to use gratefulness to help you start and keep going!
Published 11/16/23
And, here we go! It's quite exciting to kick off the175th episode of the podcast, Just Start: From Ideas To Action. We're going to learn about how to use the power of Sampling Yourself to leverage our own experiences and start the things that we want to do, by using what we already have. Ready? Let's get started!
Published 11/09/23
There are an endless number of tools that are available to you as you begin to start something new. And, while Tamika has had a wealth of experience of starting several things in both the corporate and professional realm, gratefulness is also a powerful tool that she has at her disposal. You truly do not want to miss out on this dynamic conversation about the wins, the challenges and the future outlook for what she is building at Reyz, an innovative bra company that supports women’s breast...
Published 11/02/23
Our individual defaults can either help us or slow us up. This is your opportunity to get a head start by being realistic about your defaults. Let's get started!
Published 10/26/23
Do you have a supportive crew of folks to help you get a head start? Well, search no more.  Let's get you the crew that you need to get started!
Published 10/19/23
Do you realize that we all get 168 hours each and every week? Have you ever audited where you're spending your time. If you do, you might realize that there are a lot of lost hours, because you're not earmarking and preserving your time! So, let's learn how to earmark your time to start the things that you want to do!
Published 10/12/23
If you want to get a head start on your future, there's one thing that you can do now - give yourself permission to start... like today! So, let's learn how to do that!
Published 10/05/23
This dynamic conversation with Carlotta Tutt Holloway leaves no stone unturned. What a great opportunity for you to hear from a seasoned and accomplished marketing professional, who has a unique perspective about mistakes, and wastes no time going after the big projects (now)! Are you ready to get inspired to start the things that you want to do? Well, then... let's get started!
Published 09/28/23
Can you believe that you are the person that is supposed to be the expert on you? It may be hard to accept, but its true. And, by claiming responsibility for ownership over you, you have the opportunity to identify your defaults. Today's episode will help you with that. Let's get started!
Published 09/21/23
Do you ever have a hard time sharing the work out of fear that someone will not do something exactly like you do? SURPRISE - you're right. No one will ever do things like you because they aren't you. They may get close, but never exactly. And, just because someone doesn't do something like you does not mean that they can't get it done effectively. If you want to continue to grow, thrive and make space for you to do new things, delegation has to be your friend. Let's explore the 4 levels...
Published 09/14/23
Have you ever been afraid to share your ideas out of fear that someone would steal them? Yeah... I've been there. Well, fear no more. How about we share the resources of the United States Patent & Trademark Office. I had a wonderful converation with Elizabeth Dougherty, who shares the story of how she got started and how she leverages her role at the USPTO to help starters like you get started and keep growing? I think its time for us to get started...
Published 09/07/23
Competition is all around us all the time, but competition isn't a bad thing. Competition can be collaborative and create winning opportunities for everyone. Are you willing to make room for others in your lane?
Published 08/31/23
We hear about leadership all the time, but not a lot about self-leadership. Let's talk about how you can use self-leadership to help you start the things that you want to do and lead in your lane. 
Published 08/24/23
Leading in your lane can be hard if you keep believing that you're not even supposed to be in the lane. Tune in today as we explore the opportunities for you to minimize your negative self talk so that you can get in and stay in your lane!
Published 08/17/23
City scapes, landscapes and beautiful photos - those are all things that you can visualize during this wonderful conversation with Morgan Mickens. We explored how she used her love and relationship with photography and architectural drafting early in her life to fuel what is now Red by Morgan. From trying to be all things to all people to navigating to specifically focusing on which part of photography that she loves the most, this was a fascinating and inspiring conversation. Let's get...
Published 08/10/23
Yes - you can lead in so many lanes, including the legal lane. What a great conversation with Margeaux Thomas, as we explore how she used her expertise to give herself permission to get started and launch her own firm! Let's get started...
Published 08/03/23
What makes you unique and different? (ponder on that for a while) I'll share my reality. While many people get recharged and refueled by going to the spa, taking multiple days off of work or binging their favorite shows, I have to tell you - that does not do it for me. I get refreshed from short, spurts of rest and I don't need or like to take off long period of work. I like mini charges and I know that works for me. While I have people in my life who remind me to slow down and take breaks...
Published 07/27/23