3. The Sermon and Preaching
What is preaching? This is the question in focus for Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones as he begins this sermon. He says the preacher is the man to deliver the message from God to the people. The preacher is an ambassador for Christ. He’s not there to entertain people toward Christ. Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains that preaching is a transaction where the people are given the mind of God through the written Word, explained by a faithful preacher. The danger arrives when preaching is replaced by digital versions, print versions, group discussions, and therapy sessions that foster opinion. The eternal, holy God is not up for debate! We are dealing with the living God and we must never approach the subject in the cavalier manner as if His very existence were up for debate. Since the heart of preaching addresses man’s eternal destiny and design, we cannot reduce this message to a trivial discussion. There is no neutral point where Christian and non-Christian can meet. There’s no morally neutral ground that they can agree on since one is of darkness and the other is of light. As Paul says in 1 Corinthians, God uses the foolish to expose the supposedly wise. Too much of the world today – and the church today – want to make a rebellious man look wise. Apart from humility, man will never understand revelation. Jesus Himself thanked God that He hid the Gospel from the “wise” and revealed it to "babies." As Dr. Lloyd-Jones concludes, true preaching lifts up Christ so that He draws people to salvation.
In this final moment with his students, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones discusses their questions. The lecture contains a wide variety of topics such as hosting a Q&A after the sermon, Sunday school, multi-denominational meetings and societies, children sermons, professionalism, and announcements...
Published 11/06/20
As Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones finishes his lectures on preaching and preachers, he receives and answers student questions. In this first part, Dr. Lloyd-Jones responds to the following questions: If he is preaching God’s Word, why would a preacher ever cease to be gripped by his sermon? Why use...
Published 11/06/20