“I wasn’t sure how I would feel about the podcast but I absolutely LOVED it! It’s a totally different side then what we see on the housewives and to be honest, I wasn’t the biggest fan of you on the show. It goes to show how editing plays a huge roll on what we see and base our opinions off of. The podcast felt like I was having a conversation with a friend (or two) and I really enjoyed it. You both came off very down to earth and relatable and the positive message really sealed the deal for me. I practice gratitude like the way you explained to and you both are an example of what that mindset can do for your life. I don’t ever comment on celebs’ social media outlets but I felt compelled to let you know how great it was and congratulate you! Can’t wait for more episodes!! XO”
Jlc9458 via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·