Wait, wait, just give me a second. let me add this to my shopping cart first. You know they are having a really big sale tomorrow, I have to be totally ready. Otherwise the products could be gone in a minute.
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Black Friday是哪天呢?
Black Friday refers to the day after Thanksgiving. This used to be unofficially or officially the start of holiday shopping season. Almost all stores come out with Door buster Sales with the early bird special to attract consumers to their shop. People stand in line hours before the stores are opened, to grab the bargains of the year. In last few years, we have witnessed a trend towards bringing those Black Friday Sales online before Friday.
In 2009, eBay noticed something interesting: The second Monday in December was its best sales day of the month. The auction site referred to the day as Green Monday,and it didn't take long for other retailers to run with the name and transform it into a shopping holiday.
Cyber Monday is the first Monday after Thanksgiving. It was christened by in 2005. Cyber-Monday has begun starting earlier every year.
Why it is called Black Friday?
The black portion of the name, "Black Friday"relates to businesses recording their losses in red ink and gains in black. Black Friday is an Internet term. Prior to it, people used to refer the sales as 'Day after Thanksgiving Sale' or some variation of it.
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Published 11/20/18
Published 11/20/18
Published 11/20/18