Este es uno de esos episodios inspiradores que conmoverá a todos los que hemos luchado y seguimos trabajando duro para alcanzar nuestros sueños. La bailarina profesional Rocío Braggiato, una apasionada del ballet clásico, ha compartido en esta entrevista su valiente historia donde a pesar de muchos obstáculos, ha logrado seguir sus sueños hasta abrir su propia escuela de danza en Houston, Intempo Dance Academy.
I had the pleasure of speaking with Tina Morasco, and I'm excited to share the second part of my interview with this true expert in casting and coaching. Tina is renowned for her ability to help actors perfect their craft and for her impressive library of commercial audition videos. But that's...
Published 09/19/24
This week, I had the pleasure of sitting down with the remarkable Tina Morasco, an award-winning casting director and coach. Tina is not only a powerhouse in casting, but she also brings a wealth of experience from her on camera work and as a voice artist. Her unique perspective makes her...
Published 09/12/24