In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: How was your day? / It was very good. / What did you do today? / I listened to music. / Today I went to the cinema. / Today I worked at the office.
Published 01/14/24
In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: What is she like? / She is nice and friendly. / What does he look like? / He is quite tall. / He has got brown hair and blue eyes. / Does he look like his mother or his father? / He looks like his father.
Published 01/07/24
In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: What are you scared of? / I'm scared of the dark. / Frankly speaking / Frankly speaking, I'm scared of flying. / As you already know / As you already know, she is scared of spiders. / I'm not scared of flying. / They are scared of clowns. / I was scared of telling him the truth.
Published 12/31/23
In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: Where do you want to go on vacation? / This year I want to visit India. / Did you go to Egypt last year? / I went for one week. / I visited Rome last week. / How long did you go for? / I spent three weeks in New York in the summer. / I need a vacation.
Published 12/24/23
In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: Where is the museum? / The museum is on the left. / Do you know where my keys are? / Your keys are on the table. / Have you seen my glasses? / Your glasses are on the chair. / Her office is in the center of town.
Published 12/20/23
In this lesson you'll learn the following phrases: How old are you? / I am 40 years old. / How old is he? / He is eighteen. / She is fifteen. / I am very old.
Published 12/17/23
In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: What are you doing? / I am reading. / I am listening to music. / I am watching television. / I am listening to the news. / Nothing special.
Published 12/10/23
In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: How was the party? / The party was great. / We all had a good time. / It was boring. / I left early. / I stayed for a long time. / We danced for many hours. / We should do this again sometime.
Published 12/03/23
In this lesson you'll learn the following phrases: What do you need? / I need a taxi. / Do you need anything? / No, I don't need anything. / I need some time to think. / He needs help. / They need flowers for a wedding. / I needed this. / As far as I know / As far as I know, he doesn't need any help.
Published 11/26/23
In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: Have you eaten lunch yet? / No, I haven't eaten yet. / I ate lunch an hour ago. / What did you eat? / I ate fish. / Do you eat breakfast every day? / Yes, I eat breakfast every day. / I'm hungry. / I'm thirsty.
Published 11/19/23
In this lesson you'll learn the following phrases: Where are you? / I am at the beach. / I am at home. / I am at work. / I am at the post office. / I am going to the post office. / I am at the bus stop with my wife.
Published 11/12/23
In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: He is quite shy. / She has dark, curly hair and green eyes. / My grandfather is rather short. / She is strong. / They are so lazy. / She seems extremely confident. / Do you think I look like my grandmother? / She's a thin woman with blonde hair.
Published 11/05/23
In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: It's a beautiful day, isn't it? / The birds are chirping. / The sun is shining. / The flowers are blooming. / I'm happy. / Spring is here. / It's my favorite season. / In spring, the days get longer. / Winter is finally over. / Summer is on the way.
Published 10/29/23
In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: I'm going to check my email. / How do I connect to the internet? / I need to charge my phone. / Is this the right charger for my phone? / I'm downloading an app. / Can you show me how to use this app? / What is the password? / I can't remember my password.
Published 10/22/23
In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: I like to travel. / I want to visit Germany. / I enjoy visiting Italy. / Have you been to England? / I have never been there. / I was in France. / Have you ever been to Paris? / I went there on holiday last year.
Published 10/15/23
In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: Do you go out much? / I prefer to stay at home. / I like to spend time with friends. / I like to spend time with family. / I go to the gym twice a week. / I don't have many friends. / I am very sociable.
Published 10/11/23
In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: What are you wearing? / I'm wearing jeans and a t-shirt. / He's wearing a shirt and a green tie. / I'm not sure what to wear today. / By the way... / By the way, what is she wearing? / She's wearing a white dress. / I don't have anything to wear!
Published 10/08/23
In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: What are you scared of? / I'm scared of the dark. / Frankly speaking / Frankly speaking, I'm scared of flying. / As you already know / As you already know, she is scared of spiders. / I'm not scared of flying. / They are scared of clowns. / I was scared of telling him the truth.
Published 10/04/23
In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: I always eat lunch at twelve o'clock. / I often eat fish for lunch. / I return home at quarter past six. / When do you go to bed? / I go to bed at 11 o'clock at night. / I never get up early in the morning. / They get up early in the morning.
Published 10/01/23
In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: Where do you want to go on vacation? / This year I want to visit India. / Did you go to Egypt last year? / I went for one week. / I visited Rome last week. / How long did you go for? / I spent three weeks in New York in the summer. / I need a vacation.
Published 09/24/23
In this lesson, you'll learn the following sentences: How was your week? / It was good. / My friends arrived on Monday. / I worked in the office. / My sister visited on Thursday. / I walked my dog every day. / I bought a new phone a few days ago.
Published 09/17/23
In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: How often do you go to the cinema? / I never go to the cinema. / I rarely go to the cinema. / How often do you go swimming? / I go swimming three times a week. / I often go shopping.
Published 09/10/23
In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: Who are you waiting for? / Are you waiting for someone? / I'm waiting for a friend. / I'm sorry I'm late. How long have you been waiting? / I've been waiting here for fifteen minutes. / Are you leaving now? / I'll wait five more minutes, then I'll leave. / Is there someone waiting for you? / I have to go. My children are waiting.
Published 09/03/23
In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: Where were you yesterday? / I went to a party. / I was at the cinema together with a friend. / I met friends. / I met friends in the cafe. / I was in the countryside.
Published 08/27/23
In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: What are you doing? / I am reading. / I am listening to music. / I am watching television. / I am listening to the news. / Nothing special.
Published 08/20/23