i. Introduction to "Slow By Designs"
Hi and welcome!
This podcast is not really about language or reading helpful stories. It is not really about learning vocabulary. The purpose of this podcast is to let out some long-time, pent-up steam. I have always liked learning languages and have been conversant in German for about 15 years now. Chinese is something of a chance encounter but am not able to get around but not quite able to hold my own. Not too long after going abroad to learn German I had realized that Norwegian would be somewhat of an easier undertaking after having become conversational in German. Not only that, it would be fun to learn something from the language of my ancestors.
SO, here I am, posting episodes of me learning Norwegian vocabulary with Duolingo, reading little stories in German, and also reading some poetry and prose in English. These are things that I take quite a bit of pleasure in. Although I'd like to have hundreds of listeners, I don't expect to have but a few if that. To those few who use their valuable time to listen in, Thank You.
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45. Slow by designs Kleine Deutsche Lehre Teil 1 Nr. 2 "Hauptwörter"
Continuing on in my study of German Grammar, sourced from a "Sprachlehre" published over a hundred years ago in German, I review nouns.
Also included are the three genders found in German, the breakdown of how to group...
Published 05/25/23
44. Slow by designs Kleine Deutsche Lehre Teil 1 Nr.1 GESCHLECHTSWÖRTER
Here's the gist of why I'm doing this series:
Learning German was always high on my list of life-long achievement goals. While I speak reasonably well for someone who has spent a total of one 2 years actually living...
Published 04/26/23