32. "The Baker Boys and the Bees" a German Folktale
Did you know that you can leave a voice message for me? Just visit this link, and I can listen and even include your message in future episodes. Let me know what you think of the story, the podcast, the format, or whether or not I should limit this podcast to one language.
The story today is a translation from the original German version, which I featured in Episode 28: Die Andernacher Bäckersjungen (transl. "The Baker Boys of Andernach")
How do you think about the two stories? Are they really the same? Are the details similar? Does the German version include more details? I'll also leave a question that you can reply to directly in Anchor or if you listen on Spotify.
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/slowbydesigns/message
45. Slow by designs Kleine Deutsche Lehre Teil 1 Nr. 2 "Hauptwörter"
Continuing on in my study of German Grammar, sourced from a "Sprachlehre" published over a hundred years ago in German, I review nouns.
Also included are the three genders found in German, the breakdown of how to group...
Published 05/25/23
44. Slow by designs Kleine Deutsche Lehre Teil 1 Nr.1 GESCHLECHTSWÖRTER
Here's the gist of why I'm doing this series:
Learning German was always high on my list of life-long achievement goals. While I speak reasonably well for someone who has spent a total of one 2 years actually living...
Published 04/26/23