Acid Dolphin" is a weekly mix show hosted by tech house producer Lee Rose.The show features a dynamic blend of cutting-edge tech house beats, groovy basslines and intricate soundscapes, showcasing Lee's signature style and taste in electronic dance music. Tune in every week for an hour of...
Published 11/04/24
Acid Dolphin" is a weekly mix show hosted by tech house producer Lee Rose.The show features a dynamic blend of cutting-edge tech house beats, groovy basslines and intricate soundscapes, showcasing Lee's signature style and taste in electronic dance music. Tune in every week for an hour of...
Published 10/28/24
Acid Dolphin" is a weekly mix show hosted by tech house producer Lee Rose.The show features a dynamic blend of cutting-edge tech house beats, groovy basslines and intricate soundscapes, showcasing Lee's signature style and taste in electronic dance music. Tune in every week for an hour of...
Published 10/15/24