Yuna is an average girl from her era who wants to see her mother. But she accidentally travels to the future due to her parents' untimely deaths. Five years later, Yuna meets a mysterious young man, and they embark on their grand journey. Meanwhile, trouble is brewing at the Jotoheim of...
Published 12/15/23
Yuna is an average girl from her era who wants to see her mother. But she accidentally travels to the future due to her parents' untimely deaths. Five years later, Yuna meets a mysterious young man, and they embark on their grand journey. Meanwhile, trouble is brewing at the Jotoheim of...
Published 12/15/23
Yuna is an average girl from her era who wants to see her mother. But she accidentally travels to the future due to her parents' untimely deaths. Five years later, Yuna meets a mysterious young man, and they embark on their grand journey. Meanwhile, trouble is brewing at the Jotoheim of...
Published 12/15/23