#124 Learn Korean through K-Drama (ep 1 pt. 4)
We’re going to learn Korean through a popular, must-watch K-drama called 이상한 변호사 우영우 (Extraordinary Lawyer Woo)
First, we’re going to listen to a short clip of the actual conversation.
Then, I’ll go over the same conversation “SLOWLY” and explain the meanings in English.
Lastly, we will listen to the short clip again with a better understanding of Korean conversation.
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In today’s lesson, we will continue learning the common verbs in the infinitive form. Previously we learned the Consonant-base verbs, and this week, we will learn the second major type of Korean verbs which involves bases that end with a...
Published 01/15/24
In the following series, I will introduce you to many different verbs. We will learn the common verbs in the infinitive form.
https://onlinekoreaned.wordpress.com/2024/01/12/korean-infinitives-consonant-base-verbs/(opens in a new tab)
Published 01/12/24