Ciao ragazzi! Bentornati nel mio podcast! Siamo giunti all’ottantesimo episodio. Oggi, vi insegnerò delle alternative alla parola “Ok” in italiano. La parola “ok” viene utilizzata spesso nelle conversazioni di tutti i giorni. Per questo motivo, ho deciso di fare questo episodio. Tutte le alternative che sentirete nel corso di questa puntata ve le riporterò nella descrizione. Dateci un’occhiata! Buon ascolto.
Hey guys! Welcome back to my podcast! We have reached the eightieth episode. Today, I'll teach you some alternatives to the word “Ok” in Italian. The word "ok" is often used in everyday conversations. For this reason, I decided to do this episode. All the alternatives you'll hear during the episode you can find them in the description of this episode. Take a look! Have a good time listening.
Alternatives to the word “Ok”:
Va bene / D’accordo
We can use these alternatives when OK is used as a reply to give approval, to agree, to reply affirmatively to a command or a request, by saying we are going to accomplish them, though without too much enthusiasm.
Certo / Altroché
We can use these alternatives in the same cases seen before, namely as a reply to a command or a request. Moreover, if they’re pronounced with a dynamic intonation, they emphasizes our enthusiasm in doing what we are asked to do.
Ho capito / Ha senso
These forms are used when we’re listening to some advice, a suggestion, a clarification or some explanations on how to do something and you want to prove you’re following the reasoning, that there’s no doubt and that the person can continue, maybe nodding and adding “Mh”
Perfetto / Abbiamo un accordo
These expressions are used to arrange something with someone, to tell that person that the idea seems good, that an agreement has been reached and the terms of which will be fulfilled. These expressions can be also accompanied by a handshake and they can be also combined.
Bene... / Allora... / Dunque…
We can use these forms when we’re about to talk, when we’re about to start a conversation.
Vabbè… / Fai come vuoi
These expressions are used when we want to finish a conversation, because it gets on our nerves or because we don’t want to hear anything anymore. Be careful when you use them because the other person might get angry.
Tutto bene / Tutto a posto
These alternatives replace “ok” when it’s used with “tutto” as a reply to “Come stai?” (How are you) or “Come va?” (What’s up).
Giusto / Non male / Perbene / A modo
We use these expressions to replace “ok”, when it’s used as an adjective to refer to something or someone that is fine, that’s not bad, all things considered.
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Ciao ragazzi! Bentornati nel mio podcast! Siamo giunti all’episodio numero cento, wow, come passa il tempo. Abbiamo raggiunto un’altro traguardo! Oggi, continueremo a parlare del Natale in Italia. Sarà una puntata dedicata interamente al lessico. Sentirete diverse parole, tutte legate al periodo...
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