Merry Christmas, Taxonomy Titans! Carlos and I are currently enjoying Christmas cheer with our friends and family. If you find yourself driving, baking, or doing a task requiring some interesting animal information, here’s a throwback to our Christmasiest episode ever—about reindeer! If you’d like to give us a Christmas present this year, consider joining our […]
Published 12/25/23
“…And today we are talking about an animal that is perpetually in 3rd grade. But less on that later.” The plains of Africa are home to a lot of pretty strange-looking animals. I mean, have you really thought about how weird a giraffe is? But one chimeric beast would definitely leave you scratching your head […]
Published 12/19/23
“…and today we’re talking about a fashion icon that is more interested in function over form. But more on that later.” Few looks in nature are as iconic as a plains zebra’s stripes. But these savannah equines rarely think about fashion, so these stripes must have a function beyond their form. You may think you […]
Published 12/12/23
“…and today we’re talking about the Charlie Chaplin of chickens. But more on that later.” In the wide open plains of Saskatchewan, a bulky pheasant puts on a very interesting display. The Greater Sage Grouse male is equipped with some unique tools to let the ladies know he’s got the gains on the plains. The […]
Published 12/05/23
“…and today we’re talking about a tiny animal that likes oil, but not the kind that comes from olives. But more on that later.” Warning: Learning about this animal might give you the heebie jeebies or more likely a nervous itch. If you or the kids are sensitive to that, viewer discretion is advised.  What […]
Published 11/28/23
“…and today…yeah, we’re talking about a really beautiful animal… But more on that later.” They say sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, but you need more than wit to stake your claim in the animal kingdom. The ocean is a vast place, so you wouldn’t think that finding a place to live would be […]
Published 11/21/23
“…and today we are talking about a rip van winkle for the ages. But more on that later.” What if you could talk to someone from thousands of years ago? What could they tell you about the world and what it was like to navigate through it? Researchers in Siberia are asking similar questions. Unfortunately, […]
Published 11/14/23
“…and today we are talking about an ant that is absolutely canceled. But more on that later.” In Pixar’s A Bug’s Life, the ants are the good guys, but studying ants shows that ants aren’t exactly on the right side of history. If you didn’t already know that the bug world was a brutal one, […]
Published 11/11/23
“…and today we are talking about some sleepy mountain rodents, but more on that later.” If your circumstances are difficult, sometimes it helps to sleep on it. When you wake up, you’ll feel renewed and ready to tackle life’s challenges. That’s exactly what the yellow bellied marmot does, and his biggest problem is winter. But […]
Published 10/31/23
“…and today we’re talking about an assertive insertive fish in the sea. But more on that later.” The ocean is full of situations where animals work together toward a common goal. Whether it’s finding food, fighting off predators, or setting up a place to live, it’s important to pick your underwater teammate carefully. However, while […]
Published 10/24/23
“…and today we’re talking about a boss that puts the team on his back. But more on that later.” In everyday life, it’s often necessary to wear many different hats. You’re a student, an employee, a parent, and more. In nature, it’s no different. While it’s rare for animals to wear actual hats, the sponge […]
Published 10/17/23
“…and today we’re talking about an arboreal ignoramus. But more on that later.” Way out in the land down under, a famous little gray puff gremlin spends its days as a literal tree-hugger. Like its equally famous black and white counterpart in China, the Panda, the Koala is a threatened cutie that eats terribly, sleeps […]
Published 10/10/23
“…and today we’re talking about a tiny barrel in the sea. But more on that later.” Humans, like many animals, go through a familiar generational cycle. Your parents made you and their parents made them. But when you look closer, so close you can see the tiny things floating in the sea, things start to […]
Published 10/03/23
“…and today we’re talking about an ice cold krill killer. But more on that later.” The trend of swimming in cold water for health benefits is doggy paddling its way into the public zeitgeist. But what if you absolutely had to live in freezing waters in order to survive? The crocodile icefish lives up to […]
Published 09/26/23
“And today we’re talking about a reptile that’s coming in our state trying to take our rabbits! But more on that later…” A “fish out of water” is someone who feels out of place because their surroundings are not suitable for their designed purpose. The Burmese python is out of place in Florida, but, unfortunately, […]
Published 09/19/23
“…and today we’re talking about the most popular villain of nursery rhymes. But more on that later.” Pack leader. Top dog. Dominant male. Head honcho. Alpha male. It’s a common misconception that wolves fight for dominance within their packs to see who becomes and stays the alpha wolf. But that doesn’t mean packs don’t have […]
Published 09/12/23
“…and today we are talking about an animal whose mind commands the body to roll and it obeys. But more on that later.” Members of the animal kingdom know that survival is the ability to swim in strange water–and sometimes that water is sand. Sand is coarse and rough and gets everywhere, but many animals, […]
Published 09/05/23
“…and today we’re talking about spicy calamari, but not really. More on that later.” When you’re a teeny tiny cerulean cephalopod in a big bad cephalopod’s world, you need to have some tricks up all eight of your sleeves. The blue-ringed octopus’s diminutive form hides a deadly secret to deter predators that may want to […]
Published 08/29/23
“…and today we’re talking about something with a name that sounds like it could be a fish, bird, or flower. But more on that later…” Butterflies are truly one of God’s gifts of nature. A creature that sports brilliant colors, flutters around gracefully, and dines only on the nectar provided by beautiful flowers. But there’s […]
Published 08/22/23
“…and today we’re talking about an Olympic-level bug. But more on that later.” “Jack, be nimble. Jack, be quick. Jack jumps over the candle stick.” Jumping over a whole candle stick might be an easy proposition for a young boy named Jack, but it’s a much different feat for a tiny ant. The Jack jumper […]
Published 08/15/23
“…and today we’re talking about a crustacean that’s coming for your rice crispy treats. But more on that later.”  What if you lived in a place that was sometimes uninhabitable for years? You’d have to prepare for the lean years. In fact, you’d need a bunker. Such is the way of the tadpole shrimp. They […]
Published 08/08/23
“…and today we’re talking about the cousin of an alumni. But more on that later.” Deep in the water where no fish hang out lives a glum, gloomy swimmer with some ever-present clout. The hadal snailfish lives where pretty much nothing else can live – the hadal zone. The pressure and temperature of the water […]
Published 08/01/23
“…and today we’re talking about the wolfpack of the sky. But more on that later.” Now this is the Law of the desert— as blue and as vast as the sky; And the Wolf that shall keep it may prosper, like the birds that hunt as they fly?  The family that hunts together, eats together. […]
Published 07/25/23
“…and today we’re talking about a sea creature that somebody at some point apparently thought was quite attractive. But more on that later.” The coral reefs of the shallow tropics are home to a wide variety of dazzling displays, but none so alluring as the vibrant dance of the sexy shrimp. From its colorful home […]
Published 07/18/23
“…and today we’re talking about the cold-blooded king of the jungle. But more on that later.” Everyone knows that a true king must wear a crown. In the jungles of Southeast Asia, the kingly crown isn’t a mane but a hood. The King Cobra is an infamous monarch who uses his regal headwear to intimidate […]
Published 07/11/23