There aren't many ready-made answers when it comes to faith and sexual orientation. It takes a lot of humility to carve out a space where people can ask the big questions. This week, LZ talks to two people who have done just that: Pastor Rob Bell and Daniel Franzese. Pastor Bell is a New York Times bestselling author, friend of Oprah and LZ's former spiritual leader. Daniel Franzese is a successful actor whose podcast, Yass, Jesus!, dives into his own journey of finding a place in God’s kingdom as an openly gay man. Together they talk about what it takes for LGBTQ+ folks to find spiritual community when many traditional religious institutions have not validated their existence. Regardless of your faith background, these conversations will inspire you to thank the angels in your life and challenge you to rethink what “faith” means to you.
Secretary Pete Buttigieg and his husband, Chasten, have had to overcome many obstacles while on the journey to grow their family. From false starts in the adoption process to medical scares before their twins could even leave the hospital. And like so many parents, Pete and Chasten have faced a...
Published 03/27/23
For our last episode of season 3 of Life Out Loud, we chat with legendary sports broadcaster and acclaimed documentarian Hannah Storm and her daughter, Hannah Hicks. The younger Hannah represents the fourth generation to carry the name in her family. She is also the first one to come out as...
Published 02/23/23