None of us likes to visit the doctor, delaying things as long as possible. But, sometimes we just know that it really is important to get a professional to look at things. In today’s lesson it’s a good thing that we went to the doctor because he thinks that we might have bronchitis. And it’s a good thing that we learn how to talk about all of this in Portuguese too. Thank you Doctor, thank you.
Vera: Doutor, não sei se o senhor me pode ajudar, sabe, tenho tossido tanto que meu peito está doendo e sinto que não dá mais pra respirar.
Doctor, I don’t know if you can help me, but I have been coughing so much that my chest is sore and I feel like I can’t breath anymore.
Doutor: Sinto muito Dona Vera, quando começaram esses sintomas?
Sorry to hear that Dona Vera, when did these symptoms begin?
Vera: Mais ou menos há uma semana, depois que meu filho teve uma gripe séria.
More or less a week ago, after my son had a terrible cold.
Doutor: Você tem tomado alguma coisa para aliviar a dor?
Have you been taking anything to alleviate the pain?
Vera: Não, só tenho passado a vicks-vapor-rub, mas não creio que tenha ajudado muito, não.
No, I’ve only rubbed on vicks-vapor-rub, but I don’t think that it has helped at all.