What’s more frustrating than to have the weather be beautiful all week, and then on the weekend, precisely when you have time to get outside, it decides to rain! Well, at least in the dialog we find out that it isn’t very cold outside. But really, gente, when is this rain going to stop!
A: Gente, mas quando é que essa chuva vai parar!
Man, but when is this rain going to stop!
B: Olha, dizem que vai continuar até sábado.
Well, they say it is going to continue until Saturday.
A: Pelo menos não está fazendo frio, né?
At least it isn’t too cold, you know?
B: Concordo, mas sabe, prefiro não ter que andar com casaco e jaqueta.
I agree, but you know, I’d prefer to not have to walk around with a coat and a jacket.