Asking a friend how his or her weekend was is much more than just a question. It’s a way of showing them that you care and that you are interested in them as people, more than just a colleague at work. In today’s lesson we find out that even staying home for the weekend is nice, and it’s nice to know that your friend asks about you too.
A: Olá Roseli, como foi o final de semana?
Hi Roseli, how was your weekend?
B: Foi bom, a gente ficou em casa e finalmente deu pra descansar um pouco. E você?
It was good, we stayed home and we were finally able to rest a bit. How about you?
A: Bem, a gente foi pra praia, mas como choveu, a gente acabou ficando em casa.
Well, we went to the beach, but since it was raining, we ended up staying at home.
B: Mas pelo menos deu pra sair um pouco, não é?
At least you were able to get out a little bit, right?