This week we are back in the Vet’s Corner with Hugh Somerville from Loch Leven Equine Practice chatting about joint medications. Done on a very regular basis in equine practice to help our horses maintain athletic function and manage them as they get into their golden years, but often misunderstood especially on some of the social media platforms! Liz and Hugh discuss how equine vets will go about diagnosing joint problems and what drugs are used to medicate the different joints. They...
Published 12/05/23
When we saw Christa Dillon’s brilliant article on being a neurodivergent equestrian, published by the Irish Field, we knew we wanted to invite her to the Listen with EquiTeam podcast. The statistics say that 15-20% of the world’s population is neurodiverse (although likely to be higher) – but what does it mean to be neurodiverse, how do you know if you are neurodivese and what support is available? Christa, an equestrian coach, rider and sports horse producer shares her own personal...
Published 11/28/23
It’s November and yes we are talking about Christmas, or more specifically EquiTeam’s Christmas Advent Calendar, which this year is back, bigger and better than ever! Liz, Lou and Liz get together to share some of their exciting plans for this year’s calendar which already has over £1200 of amazing prizes to be won plus content, top tips and fun from some of our top professionals. Running throughout December all you have to do to take part and be in with a chance of winning our epic prizes...
Published 11/21/23
On Anti-Bullying Week (13-17th November 2023) we chat to Mental Health Coach and Riders Minds Consultant, Sylvia Bruce about the sensitive topic that is bullying. Most equestrians have experienced or witnessed bullying within the industry, but it is not something that people like to talk about and still makes people feel uncomfortable. But what exactly is bullying, and what is it not? Bullying has a huge impact on mental health and well-being and in this episode Sylvia shares an...
Published 11/14/23
When functional nutritionist, entrepreneur, and author of Hungry Woman: Eating for good health, happiness and hormones, was our guest on a previous EquiTeam podcast the response we had was unchartered. Her pragmatic, yet achievable approach of making small changes to invest in your mind and body for better sleep, mental health and hormone balance resonated with the EquiTeam Connected group as we all went off to buy magnesium, Omega 3, and copies of her book. But a month down the line,...
Published 11/07/23
In this week’s humbling episode Liz Daniels chats to Jennie Sharpe about the journey that led her to being shortlisted for the Inspiration Category of the FEI Awards 2023. In 2018 Jennie suffered a spinal injury, which led to life changing challenges, and an on-going battle with her mental health, resulting in an attempt to take her own life. But less than 12 months later Jennie has ticked some amazing achievements off her bucket list, ridden and went double clear on the Global...
Published 10/31/23
Prompted by a brilliantly written Facebook post on Team Oakden's page, Liz D & Liz S get together to discuss Austin O’Connor’s epic win at Marylands 5*. But it was what Austin said in his interview afterwards that has really got people talking.   Join us to talk about self-doubt, how to recognise the different forms it might take and what, as Team Oakden put it, you can do to start believing that ‘you’re actually doing great’. And as promised here are the links to some of our EquiTeam...
Published 10/24/23
Whether you love it or loathe it, clipping season is here once again and it is a subject that EquiTeam’s Liz Daniels could chat for hours about! While Liz Somerville is trying to rein Liz D in, the pair chat about their clipping experiences including Liz D being a clipping demonstrator for many years at Your Horse Live. We’ve tried to condense it so in this episode you will find lots of helpful tips on everything from preparation to achieving the perfect clip and of course safety and...
Published 10/17/23
Join EquiTeam’s Liz Daniels and Louise Gillings as they talk all things mental health and well-being on World Mental Health Day (10th October). The duo looks at what mental health means to them, why saying hello to a stranger might make a difference to their day, and share some personal experiences. Liz’s shameless plug for Riders Minds has a strong messaging about the mental health and well-being support is available for all equestrians, and that it is okay not to be okay. Find out...
Published 10/10/23
Join EquiTeam’s Liz Daniels and Liz Somerville as they discuss a current topic that has seen a bit of debate on social media – is it time to stop talking about rugging? From over-rugging, not rugging for welfare purposes to rugging for practical reasons – Liz and Liz share their own thoughts, as well as some research from Dr Marlin, on this hot topic – no pun intended. While Liz S holds her hands up when it comes to adding an extra rug, Liz D admits to being ‘nesh’ and has to try hard...
Published 10/03/23
The episode that blew our minds! Pauline Cox, functional nutritionist, entrepreneur, and author of Hungry Woman: Eating for good health, happiness and hormones chats to EquiTeam’s Liz Daniels about bad habits and three simple things that can change your health. How many of us are guilty of being fuelled by multiple cups of tea, crave the next biscuit, suffer from a lack of sleep/feel tired all the time, or have constantly changing hormone levels? We know we certainly do! Pauline shares...
Published 09/26/23
Just how does someone go from doing their first BE90 to competing at 3* in just two years? George Bartlett did! EquiTeam’s Liz Daniels chats to event rider George about his incredible journey and the pinnacle of his career so far – an impressive third place in George’s first 3*L at Blair International Horse Trials.   Based at Caunton Manor Stud with Victoria Wright and her team, George first got spotted on the hunting field by Mrs Wright who invited him to the yard to do some hacking...
Published 09/19/23
In today’s episode Carmen Cumminskey, Managing Director and Founder of FOMO Protection chats all things body protectors, from creating the prototype as a final year Sports Engineering Student using a £12 sewing machine purchased from Amazon, to creating an award-winning business. Carmen explains the theory behind some of the technology and design, and shares how being a horse rider herself inspired the comfort and fit of the body protectors. Coupled with an ecliptic dinner table choice,...
Published 09/12/23
Most of us will suffer setbacks, a crisis of confidence or loose our mojo at some point and whether it’s because we are in the thick of the competition season or at the end of a busy summer with the kids off school, or trying to juggle work, life and holidays, there are plenty of people going through it right now. Both of EquiTeam’s Lizs’ have experienced this over the last few weeks in different ways, so sat down to catch up and chat about some good lessons learnt at Blair Horse Trials, how...
Published 09/05/23
There has been so much going on in EquiTeam over the last few months that Liz Daniels and Louise Gillings thought that a catch up podcast was in order! The duo discuss all things EquiTeam including some highlights from the EquiTeam Connected group, as well as chatting about some of the content including the value of time blog, the Alan Davies Grooming and Turnout Series, as well as the new lunging series. And we can’t mention the content without chatting about superb workouts and plans...
Published 08/29/23
When our recent Equiteam blog about the value of time sparked an incredible conversation within our EquiTeam Connected Facebook group, we knew that we needed to continue the conversation and open it up to the wider equestrian community. Time is, without doubt, our most precious commodity and once it’s gone, it’s gone. In this episode we chat about what we can achieve when we allow ourselves and our horses more time, what we can learn and how time allows us to make memories with friends and...
Published 08/22/23
Coach, trainer, event rider, dressage rider, and producer of young horses, James Oakden joins us on the podcast to share his journey. Based in Fife, Scotland at Team Oakden, James runs and juggles a big operation along side his wife and fellow trainer and rider Sarah. Coaching and supporting clients across mulitple disciplines and levels, backing and producing the stars of the future and riding his own event and dressage horses, James has a wealth of experience to share.     His experience...
Published 08/15/23
This week we have an episode with a difference. We're super excited to be collaborating with The Podcasting Equine Vetsand share an episode Liz recorded with Donna Case aka The Horse Feed Guru. An independent Equine Nutritionist, Donna talks about how she got into the industry, the best and worst bits of her job and shares her top feeding tips. She also de-bunks some of the myths surrounding feeding and the labelling of feeds and the use of supplements. Donna has over 18 years of experience...
Published 08/08/23
Do you find riding in open spaces at speed a bit nerve racking? Or maybe you just want to learn to gallop your horse properly? You are most definitely not alone. After a post in our Facebook group EquiTeam Connected raised this issue, Liz and Lou sat down to discuss how to safely, and confidently ride at speed. This episode covers everything from choosing the right time, place and people to go with, how your position is super important for you and your horse, how to choose the best ground...
Published 08/01/23
Have you lost a bit of motivation? It happens to us all! In this week’s episode EquiTeamers Liz Daniels and Lou Gillings chat about Liz’s recent trip to the Isle of Islay and the amazing equestrian community who reminded Liz of some very important life lessons. And the pair wrap up by talking about a recent crazy challenge that required a huge amount of mental resilience and reminded Liz just how much we are capable of even when we don’t think are.
Published 07/25/23
Equiteam member Gillian Birrell chats about the ups and downs of her journey with her horse Ziggy and why she thinks it is important to share that it’s not always full of smiles and achievements. Returning to riding after a big break, Gillian found herself teamed with a horse who has tested her resilience and confidence on multiple occasions. After 10 falls in almost as many months, Gillian knew it was decision time – did she try and learn to work as a team – or was it time to part company...
Published 07/18/23
This week Liz Somerville is joined by husband, Hugh Somerville from Loch Leven Equine Practice, for the second episode in our ‘Ask the Vet’ series. One of the most common questions the practice gets asked is 'how do I know when to call the vet?’ So Liz puts this question to Hugh, and specifically asks about some of the more common emergencies that the vets get called to see.   Covering colic, laminitis, high temperatures, wounds, sore eyes, choke, foot abscesses and penetrations and coughs...
Published 07/11/23
In this episode Lou catches up with Lauren from Equestrian Fitness Scotland. Lauren is a level three personal trainer and currently completing her level four, she is also a self-confessed Pippa Funnel super fan, a rider herself and busy pony club mum so the perfect person to answer our member's rider fitness and nutrition questions.    We talk about injuries and managing them, the best ways to get fit, talk protein and discuss the importance of finding your own motivation.    You can find...
Published 07/04/23
Sometimes the struggle is real! Life, work, family, horses…. This week Liz and Lou have been let loose to chat about all the juggling horse owners have to do to fit everything into an already busy life. Self-pressure, other people’s expectations and comparison can all leave us feeling like we are failing especially when you believe that you should be superwoman and able to achieve way more! Liz & Lou chat about acceptance, taking the pressure off, how buying yourself some time might be...
Published 06/27/23
What happens when you reach and achieve a goal, but yet you are left feeling a little disappointed? EquiTeam’s Lou Gillings shares how she achieved her goal and yet the achievement was tarred by the feeling of disappointment knowing that she could have done better, or worked harder. This is a situation that many equestrians can relate to – yet when looking at the bigger picture and drilling down into details we often find that the goal posts have been moved! In this honest podcast Liz...
Published 06/20/23