Isn't it a little ironic that a homeschool mom pours her whole heart into educating her children and at the end of the day she wonders, "Am I doing enough?' But we've all been there or are currently there. I have a sneaking suspicion that you are there right now. And that is okay. I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing to wonder if you are doing enough. It's what you do with those thoughts that matters the most. But let's have a heart to heart because I have 4 questions that I want you to...
Published 02/12/24
Homeschool moms are the CEO's of their home and there is a lot that needs to be managed. And it's impossible to remember it all and get the necessary tasks done well without a routine. How your day flows really does matter and today, I'm going to show you why adding a routine will help your homeschool day.  And then, let's create one that will work for your specific circumstances. This is so important or you'll ditch it the first chance you get. Grab a notebook to take some notes and get...
Published 02/08/24
As you've probably already noticed, there is more to homeschooling than just purchasing some curriculum. And even if you just do that and keep up with the daily lessons, is that enough to have success in your homeschool? After observing many families and working personally with hundreds of families, I've found there is something special in the ones who really thrive. It's not in fancy lessons or expensive curriculums or even extravagent field trips. Today, I am sharing the key that will...
Published 02/05/24
Warm sunny days are so much more motivating than dull bitter days. And somehow, as a homeschool mom, you have to find a crazy amount of inner resolve to continue moving forward with your curriculum and plans. But what if I told you that these cold winter days could actually be a huge blessing in your family? And that with a few tweaks, you'll have the needed motivation to get the to-do list checked off. Grab your favorite warm drink and get ready to think differently about homeschooling...
Published 02/01/24
You started your homeschool journey with a Pollyanna view of it. Because why not? All those social media accounts and YouTube videos show beautiful scenes of peace...and cooperation. And here you are with a child (or children) who have no desire to cooperate with you and are refusing to do their homeschool work. You love your children dearly and know how amazing homeschool will be for their childhood, as well as preparing them for all the years ahead. If only they would do their work... Put...
Published 01/29/24
You just read the word year round homeschooling and probably got a little weak in the knees. It's okay. That's a very typical response. But what if I told you that you already homeschool year round and an adjustment in thought and your calendar can be the solution to all those bad days? It's true! I know that the day in and day out of a homeschool mom is all encompassing and sitting down to look at a calendar isn't high on your priority list. This episode is sure to make you rethink your...
Published 01/25/24
This is definitely not my usual homeschool mom content, but I feel like today is the day to share this part of my story. Maybe you can relate. Or maybe it will help you relate to a loved one. I didn't subscribe to the "mommy wine culture," but I was using alcohol as a way to privately lessen the stress and frustration of motherhood. It was a part of my life here and there...until it wasn't. ♥ Leigh   JOIN CLARIFY YOUR HOMESCHOOL TODAY  https://www.clarifyyourhomeschool.com CREATE YOUR HOME...
Published 01/22/24
Without a plan, the day as a homeschool mom can really take a crazy turn. And then, you're looking back on the day as your climb into bed and wonder what in the world happened. It's inevitable that things will come up throughout the day...and the night as a mom. But, it's so much easier to tackle the unexpected and the usual ups and downs with children, when you have two specific anchors to your day. These two unique times in your day can make or break how you walk through all the other hours...
Published 01/18/24
You've decided that homeschooling is what your family will do. It's the best educational option for your children. But the day in and day out becomes so mundane and you wonder if what you're doing really matters. And does it matter how you homeschool your children? I'm posing 3 decisions that you make each and every day as a homeschool mom. Most likely, you haven't even thought about these. But they're there undergirding each action you take and do not take every day. First, let's become...
Published 01/15/24
Being a mom is the greatest part of your life. You didn't realize how much you could love and care for a child until you had one of your own. Homeschooling promises all kinds of amazing time with your children. But then, the reality of day in and day out hits. And all of the teaching and instruction is not fun. You actually find yourself constantly frustrated, annoyed, and even angry at your children because of the curriculum. Is it time to quit homeschooling? We'll unpack this tenuous...
Published 01/11/24
Are you feeling overwhelmed by the amount of worksheets that comes with your curriculum? Or maybe your child is giving you grief and making progress difficult? When you were in school, worksheets were how your teacher knew whether you had mastered the material. But, you're looking at homeschool and wondering if it's really that necessary. Self-doubt creeps in and makes you wonder if it really would be okay to do away with some (or all) the worksheets. It's this tug of war that's going on...
Published 01/08/24
Your family had a great holiday break from homeschooling, but it's inevitable that the day comes to get back into the swing of things again. Whether the first half of the homeschool year was smooth or rough, I have found that a few simple practices have always helped me start back strong in a new year. These are steps that will help you with children of any age as well as get your mind re-focused on the most important part of homeschooling. Let's start fresh this year, with renewed energy,...
Published 01/04/24
Along with the homeschooling, there are activities to drive everyone to, appointments to keep, meals to cook, and then there is all the housework that needs to be done. And now your head is definitely spinning. It's a lot that you have to do and keep up with every single day. And it can definitely feel overwhelming and frustrating.  But I'm here to encourage you today! The tips I'm going to share with you today will, not only get your focus and attitude in the right place, but also will give...
Published 01/01/24
You've made it to the other side of most of the holiday season. And now that you are looking at the beginning of a brand new year, the overwhelming thoughts of where to start creep in. It's all about perspective and the attitude about approaching 2024. If the new year is seen as the opportunity for a fresh start, you'll be on your way to making your home and homeschool the best yet. Today's episode has 5 tips that pack a punch and will give you the much needed guidance to get things on track...
Published 12/28/23
Today is Christmas Day! What an amazing homeschool mom you are for all that you did for your family these past few weeks. I just wanted to pop in really quick and wish you a very Merry Christmas. May my words bring you peace and joy this day.  ♥ Leigh   JOIN CLARIFY YOUR HOMESCHOOL TODAY  https://www.clarifyyourhomeschool.com   Website -  https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com Newsletter -  https://littlebylittlehomeschool.subscribemenow.com/ Community...
Published 12/25/23
The week between Christmas and New Year's can go one of two ways for homeschool moms. Either the high of the holiday season will continue. Or...you'll crash and burn. But I think it would be a better use of time to find the middle road. There is a time to relax and refresh, but I'd love to see you walk into 2024 feeling really good about how the year ended. And for you to be prepared to step back into the homeschool year. This will also help you to have a great transition back for you and...
Published 12/21/23
A few weeks ago, you had so many plans and a lot of time to accomplish everything on your Christmas bucket list. But now, you're looking at the calendar and there is only one week left. Is that making you panic? So much of Christmas falls on the shoulders of the homeschool mom. And while that is fun and exciting, it can also be overwhelming. What if there was a way to reset as you walk into these final 7 days? There is! Grab that cup of hot cocoa and get out your to-do list because we're...
Published 12/18/23
Homeschooling is one of those topics that seems to be fair game for open critique and criticism. Here you are, minding your own business and doing what you feel is best for your family and along comes someone with their opinions. It can hurt and sting a bit when a family member or a friend makes a comment about the fact that you are homeschooling. And depending upon your personality and the relationship with that person, it can cause a division...or at the very least, hurt feelings. With the...
Published 12/14/23
As if your day wasn't full enough with homeschooling, housework, and the raising of children...now you've added in all the Christmas festivities and a long to-do list. How can you get everything done in these few weeks before Christmas day? Is it even possible to get it all done as a homeschool mom? Well, yes and no.  Following the tips shared in this episode, you really will learn to prioritize and get it all done. And the end result doesn't mean you are frazzled and about to lose your mind....
Published 12/11/23
It's the most wonderful time of the year, but homeschool moms can easily feel spread really thin. Everyone in the family is enjoying all the activities, Christmas homeschooling, Advent, concerts, Christmas pj's...you know, the long list that Mom fulfills behind the scenes. But underneath it, you just want to enjoy the Christmas season yourself. And want to feel the specialness of the holiday like your family does. Today, I have one major tip for you to really lean into and enjoy the Christmas...
Published 12/07/23
There are so many conversations that homeschool moms can have around the topic of Christmas. And today is no exception. We're going to cover a lot of ground and I'm pulling back the curtain on a few topics that I've never shared outside of my small inner circle. But it's worth it because I know that the insight to my family's story is something you'll resonate with. Grab that pen and paper to write down a few great resources...and maybe pop in those ear buds to keep my thoughts on Santa Claus...
Published 12/04/23
So often, parents jump into homeschooling and are hyper focused on the here and now. And that is completely understandable because this is a whole new way of life and education. Today's guest, Elizabeth Santelmann of Sunshine In My Nest, is here to encourage you to take a step back and look at the long-term vision of homeschooling. As she homeschools her 3 boys, she wants to encourage moms to see the whole picture of raising children. And most importantly, pointing them towards the...
Published 11/30/23
It's the most wonderful time of the year, but there can be a significant downside. All the pretty lights and decorations can cause discontentment in our homeschool mom hearts.  This isn't an intentional thing, but the mind and heart can wander, even when you don't want it to. What should you do when you find yourself feeling jealous? Drawing upon my own experience, I have 6 steps that walked me through confronting my jealousy. And these got me to the other side, which included freedom and...
Published 11/27/23
Happy Thanksgiving, Friend! Thanks for popping your ear buds in today. I hope today finds you feeling blessed beyond words. One thing that I am thankful for is you! It truly is an honor that you allow me the space in your day to encourage you in your homeschool journey. Today's episode is short and sweet: there is an announcement, a quick life update, and a little something just for you. All jam packed into less than 10 minutes. Give it a quick play while you finish up any cooking and getting...
Published 11/23/23
The Christmas season is when homeschool moms tend to pile on the guilt. The stress is high and the to-do list is long and the holidays add an extra amount of pressure. And when you don't fulfill all of your obligations, the default is to feel like a failure. How is homeschool supposed to get done, along with the traveling, Christmas traditions, special activities, and performances? There just aren't enough hours in the day for a homeschool mom to do it all. But you really want to feel like...
Published 11/20/23